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Messages - rajibgupta

Pages: [1]
What is voxcommando's point of view ?

I am using the option 1, so just burning the transparent bridge firmware. Not using any arduino code.

Hey guys,

Could anyone tell me how to know the connection status ? Are there any AT commands for that ?
I am using the option 1.

Dave, I am using it as ESP-bridge connection. Giving it a static IP would be a good idea but how do I give it a static IP ? I will try the autoscanner thing.

I have 3 different routers in my office and another router at home. so I was trying to find another way.

I did not exactly get that part. Where do I do the autoscan thing ?

Yes,I can do that but that is not a convenient way to do that because there are thousands of types of routers and each having different settings .

By the way, can this firmware support uploading program to arduino over the air ?


I flashed this firmware and everything is working perfectly. But after I enter the wifi ssid and password,it gets connected but how do I find the IP address ? Does it have an AT command to get the IP address info ?

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