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Messages - monkee

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Hello, I'm trying to create a command using IF/THEN logic based on whether a group is currently enabled or disabled.  How can I determine if it is enabled or disabled and use that in my IF/THEN logic??

Thanks in advance!

Other Plugins / Re: TTS.Speak pronunciation issue in VC (Ivona voice)
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:37:18 AM »
Code: [Select]
Putting that before the first bit of text works perfectly!  Thanks everyone.

Now, even though that works, I'm still having an issue getting the pronunciation the way I want it. The phrase that I'm working with is: "I've turned on the light for you."  The voice says "turned on" as if they used to be friends who turned on each other instead of turned ON.  Does anyone have a clue how to get the voice to emphasize "turned on" the correct way?

Other Plugins / Re: TTS.Speak pronunciation issue in VC (Ivona voice)
« on: June 18, 2016, 04:18:48 PM »
Thanks everyone!  I'll experiment with it tonight and let you know how it turns out.  I knew there had to be a way to get around it!

Other Plugins / TTS.Speak pronunciation issue in VC (Ivona voice)
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:48:32 PM »
I'm trying to adjust how the IVONA TTS voice pronounces a few words.  I've found instructions to do so HERE and they work, however, if I put any text BEFORE the code to change the pronunciation, the voice reads all the code.  If I put text only AFTER the code, it works fine.  TTS.Speaksync does the same thing too.

If that sounds confusing, make a new action of TTS.Speak, try entering each of these and play them.  You'll see (hear) what I mean :)

Works fine:
Code: [Select]
<w role="ivona:VBD">read</w> the book yesterday
Preceding word breaks things:
Code: [Select]
I <w role="ivona:VBD">read</w> the book yesterday
Do I have to put a character after my text but before the code, to let VC know not to pronounce the code possibly??

Bug Reports / Re: bug in TTS voice volume?
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:11:32 PM »
I didn't try it with TTSMS but I can confirm it's fixed for the TTS plugin in!  Thanks and damn, that was fast! 

The USB speaker I'm experimenting with is too loud for it's own good, it is very distorted at max volume but going through my stereo wouldn't work because it's off half the time and would miss the beginning of the TTS or short sounds because of some internal "standby" mode.  The voice commands from VC are the only thing routed to the USB speaker and it's working out very well. It allows me to keep the voice level consistent even when changing the volume of everything else that goes through my receiver.  Dedicated, always on, small TTS speaker = highly recommended :)

Bug Reports / bug in TTS voice volume?
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:41:03 PM »
Hi, I think I found another bug.  When I reduce the volume of the SAPI5 voice using the slider in the TTS window, save etc. and then restart VC, the slider stays half way down but the voice's audio seems to be back at 100%.  I have "Speakers (USB Audio)" selected for the TTS output and it is not the default system audio output (default is HDMI).  This is on Windows 7 64bit.

If you need any more info, just ask.  And thanks again for this great program.  I just started using it again and love how intuitive it is to get cool things happening :)

Bug Reports / Re: TTSMS & bluetooth speaker bug on VC restart?
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:50:27 AM »
Thanks a lot!  It seems all good now.  The voice worked immediately after installing over the old version.  I did a full restart and it still worked without opening the plugin window :)  Thank you for the great support and cool product! 

Bug Reports / Re: TTSMS & bluetooth speaker bug on VC restart?
« on: December 15, 2014, 12:31:51 PM »
Haha, no problem.  I thought it might be a bit too wordy but I figured I'd include as much info as I could to make life easier for you :)  I hope you squash it!

Bug Reports / Re: TTSMS & bluetooth speaker bug on VC restart?
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:46:49 PM »
Thanks and I'm really impressed with the software.  The tool tips within the UI and all the little things here and there to make the learning curve a little easier are very much appreciated. 

I just noticed that the audio doesn't completely cut out on the VC restart, but instead switches to my (Win 7) system default audio output (SPDIF).  It's not until I open the TTSMS plugin window that VC switches back to what I have set in there (bluetooth speaker).  I have my receiver off usually which is why I didn't realize it was switching default outputs and not just cutting out.

If I set the TTSMS plugin to match my system default audio output (SPDIF optical) and restart VC, there is no problem.  The output does not change on it's own.  It only changes when I have the bluetooth speaker selected in the plugin and restart VC.  I haven't tested using "line out" yet to determine if it is an issue with only bluetooth devices or if ANY non-default audio source set in the plugin will have the same issue. I may switch to line-out

My bluetooth speaker shows up as a headset in the OS so I'd imagine you will be able to recreate the issue. 

Here is the speaker I'm using: if that helps.  I was hoping to sit it on a table near me for use with VC but the mic it has is total crap and unusable in case anyone is considering the same thing.  I just use it as the TTSMS voice now.

Thanks again!

*edit* just want to note that the output in the plugin does not change VISIBLY, it still SAYS that the bluetooth device was the default all along, it's just that the audio is routed to the wrong output until opening that window and closing it.

Bug Reports / TTSMS & bluetooth speaker bug on VC restart? (Solved)
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:21:11 PM »
Hello, I'm pretty new (2 weeks of tinkering) to VC so thanks for all of the informative posts and tutorials.  This program is a lot of fun to mess around with (I used to use girder so the concepts are familiar) and as a quadriplegic, I'm already envisioning ways it could help make my life a lot better.  I'm pretty excited about it, to be honest :)

In my tinkering, I think I found a bug.  I can recreate it 100% of the time. 
Using both and
Using MS TTS plugin
Using bluetooth speaker as output device. It is not the system default output device but is specified in TTSMS plugin settings as the one to use.  (allows me to hear TTS when my receiver is in "exclusive mode" DD5.1/DTS)

bug: Full restart VC.  TTSMS voice no longer audible.  VC appears to work fine, OSD shows but no audio from speaker.

fix: click "plugins" -> TTSMS then just close that window without making any changes or clicking anything. Now TTSMS voice starts working again.

I hope that is enough info but if not, let me know what you need. It is a bit annoying to have to remember to do that each time I restart VC.


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