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Messages - shango

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just ordered mine, 90 of the finest UK pounds with the VC discount for the remote, ir reciever and shipping. + whatever Bundlebox gonna charge me to ship to UK, bout 100 quid probably. :-\

I did do a test by going outside my house and down the street a bit, and I did not get too far before it died (maybe 40 or 50 feet from the receiver).

and it's -10 degrees Celsius out there!


Actually I conducted the test when I first got the remote...   >:D

Do your neighbours think you are some sort of nutter standing out in the icy street talking to a remote control? :)

I agree, its just what you are used to. Mediaportal v XBMC discussion is as much good as a PS3 v XBOX discussion.

Got a message back from Eddie saying the Amulet hardware is only approved for sale in the US, Australia
and New Zealand and recommended bundlebox so may go with that once the next VC comes with better mediaportal support and the updated MPTVseries plugin.

Any idea of a time frame for your next release James?

Looking at your convo with damian on TV series project page "show unwatched episodes of X" wont be do-able but pretty much everything else should be there?

Thanks guys, The double shipping costs using bundlebox will be countered with the VC coupon so not worried about that.

Will look at it some more once the next release comes out with a bit more Mediaportal control built in as this is my primery media center, have just been giving XBMC a try, while it has some nice sleek skins it's lacking in features compaired to Mediaportal and I've had a complete nightmare trying to get artwork recognised in it, Mediaportal handles artwork much better than XBMC so will be sticking with it.

Anyone had one shipped to the UK? Their wesite says shipping to US, Australia and New Zealand only :(

Might like to buy one but I'm in 2 minds, on one hand it seems pointless having voice control if you have to pick up the remote anyway, on the onther hand it is probably the only realistic option other than a headset which isn't practical and still picks up unusual commands when volume is loud.

If they don't ship to the UK then it's not really an issue anyway I guess.

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:04:43 AM »
OK cheers, The plugin is pretty new and i'm sure he's got more important updates to do anyway but I'll add it to enhancement requests.

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:08:02 AM »
Great news on the TV plugin update.

Another plugin I use is MVCentral for music videos.

This is based on the code from tvseries and moving pictures plugins, would this need additional features added by the devs? I'll make the request if it does.


MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:03:08 AM »
If you right click the other device you can select 'view disabled devices' or something like that so you can still turn it back on etc.

I have had numerous problems with Windows in the past randomly trying to use a different audio device that has nothing plugged in. I always disable non used devices.

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:09:43 PM »
Im not 100% but I would imagine Mediaportal uses the iD3 tags in your MP3 files to build its database so make sure they are correct, if your artists all appear correct in MP music section then you should be ok (asuming you arent using the shares view)

Play artist X, for me works perfectly, all my mp3s are taged with artist AND album artist tag as i use the album artist view in mediaportal.

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:48:57 PM »
This has now been bumped to high priority.

Milestone 3.2.0

Current version 3.1.3

MediaPortal / Re: MediaPortal Configuration for 0.912
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:47:00 PM »
The Mp plugins didnt apear in the plugins tab of my version of VC mediaportal test either, I had to go to the plugins section from the options menu, both the MP plugins were in that list and both checked, I un checked them, re checked them and saved, they then both appeared under the plugins tab.

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:08:06 AM »
Yeah just noticed it in the other thread and cast my vote.

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: December 26, 2011, 09:47:38 AM »
Hi, thanks for reply

I think mediaportal 2 is a long way off yet, but i'm sure the devs of the wifi plugin will be developing it for MP2 as it is required for the aMPdroid remote for android and I believe this is something the are putting a lot of time into.

I was going to ask about the TV Series interfacing as I am having problems with that, from what you said this is due to VC needing an update to the MPTVSeries plugin?

If so I will make a request in their forums for VC support. They may require a certain amount of requests though to implement it depending on the complexity of adding it I guess.

Once I've played around with it a bit more I will make a thread on the MP forums so people can see VC and hopefully get some more interest.

In ref to the TV series compatability, presumably you would need help from the devs of any other plugins for similar compatability, MvCentral (music videos) etc for these to work with VC?

MP set up does have it's problems but with the right plugins and some decent hours configuring it is very powerfull Media center. I did try XBMC for the 1st time though the other day and was impressed by it's out of the box abilities.

Cheers Shane

MediaPortal / Re: Mediaportal Support
« on: December 26, 2011, 08:28:50 AM »
Hi, new member, been playing around with VC on Mediaportal and I think it's great so far, was just wondering if you will be maintaining the Mediaportal support though as I've seen you mention there has not been much interest so far, I'd like to purchase a license but as I will use it only with Mediaportal it would not be worth it to me if it is not maintained and I find a couple months down the line it doesn't work with a new version of mediaportal or one of it's plugins.

Also seen mentioned that it has not really been promoted to the mediaportal comunity, I myself have not seen a mention of it on the forums over there, I think this would definately boost it's MP users.


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