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Messages - philby85

Pages: 1 [2]
Hi All,

I have been using VC for about a week. In that time I have used 2 mic's. The first an Editors Keys condenser mic I use to record vocals. This worked reasonably well. I wanted to try something different, but still open air.
I thought about a microsoft 360 kinect, still undecided about that one. So, I searched for a boundary mic. It came down to the MXL AC 404 or the Samson UB1. The MXL was an extra $30 so I thought I'd try the Samson.
When it arrived the first shock was size. Its small and round like a hockey puck. Second surprise was the weight, with a heavy metal construction and a very nice felt backing its deceptively heavy. Its usb so plug n play.

This picks up everything ! Its sensitive. I tried on the table, the floor lol. The wall and the ceiling. I now have it mounted on the wall behind the speakers and also behind a curtain. Input level is set at 30% I tried 10% and it didn't register to well.
I had the prefix name set to eva ( think wall-e here ) But during movies and tv its was constantly being set off by words ending in A. So I changed it and we have little to no issues.
I paid $49 AUD for this mic, which in comparison to other sellers was cheap. I am very happy with it so far as an open air mic. Also, it works no problems from about 25-30 ft away.


Hi Kalle,

I checked my xbmc and although the repo for fox was there the add-on wasn't showing anywhere. So I refreshed the repository and installed and now all working. Thanks for the tip very much appreciate your time.



Hi Kalle,

Thanks for your reply, I have enjoyed your videos. I have setup for frodo. the vox add-on for xbmc is installed. All other commands work so far.

kind regards


Hi Everyone,

Newbie here please be gentle lol. I followed the instructions set everything up and imported the xml. The phrase, "program guide on screen" works for me my while watching live tv. The "program guide" phrase which I am using from the xvmc home screen does not show the the guide. In the top right hand corner displays the text program guide with a circle next to it with and an i in it. The TTS announces program guide. This disappears after a few seconds. My pvr backend is Nextpvr which is all working fine. I am using vc Thanks for a wonderful program and great contributors.



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