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Messages - pomozki

Pages: [1]
MediaMonkey / Re: can MediaMonkey do "OR" searches too?
« on: April 01, 2012, 11:46:11 PM »
oh I'm so sorry - I ended up in the wrong forum!! My question has nothing to do with VC - in fact, I don't even know what it is  :bonk
I just googled MediaMonkey or iTunes forums - and yours appeared so I joined and posted my question
thanks to everyone for their replies ... in particular thanks to James for solving my puzzle with this reply

anyway on MM4 this is how you do it.  I don't have MM3 installed any more but hopefully it works about the same.

You just have to put checkboxes in all the genres that are acceptable and it will "or" them since it usually doesn't make much sense to "and" genres.

now I should go off and see what your program is all about  ;D

MediaMonkey / can MediaMonkey do "OR" searches too?
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:18:33 PM »
Hi folks, I'm new to this and MM - I'd love some advice about doing searches in MM. sorry, haven't any files to attach but I'll explain...
I'm using MM Gold.
I'm doing Ctrl-F (Search) ... then going to the advanced tab
It then asks you to add search criteria.
I can do easy searches (e.g. show me only genre = ROCK and date = 1975 ... and I get heaps of songs showing up
but how do I ask for music from, say, 1975 that's either ROCK or POP?

It's the genre filter I'm having trouble with and it's really important to me: I've tried genre "equals" - but as soon as you do that, it only allows you to pick from a dropdown list of genres you already have in your library - so for me it allows songs whose genre is rock...or whose genre is pop ... or whose songs are rock AND pop
but so far I haven't worked out how to filter songs whose genre is either rock or pop or something else
I've tried
genre contains rock or pop
genre contains "rock" or "pop"
genre contains 'rock' or 'pop'
but none of them works

hope someone can put me right, many thanks Alan

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