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Topics - outlaw

Pages: [1]
Windows 8 / 10 / win 8.1 wont open the .py files anymore
« on: July 26, 2015, 06:32:36 PM »
hi newbie here, but I messed up and append a .py file from vc and I did it using notepad by mistake and I can not get the file to reopen using the default program, can someone please tell me how to change the file back to the default program that use to open it? im running windows 8.1 thanks

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / wolfram.xml
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:56:19 PM »
hi,im still a newbie  :bonk I hope im posting this in the right ? is ive put in James's xml for wolfram and ive
gone and did my alpha api key from wolfram and have put it into vc. however it still doesn't work.

thanks for your time
  james m

Feature Requests / have vc change destop image
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:07:41 PM »
hi,im still a little newbie here,i hope im posting this in the right spot
I have watched so many videos I lost count and have figured most things out on my own and a lot of reading the fourms ,but what im asking is how can I get vc to change my desktop image?
like ide seen in one of James's videos......thanks in advance

jitter james , thanks I got it fixed,i should have said it was for xbmc ,im new to these fourms sorry I cant explain things right.
but I did manage to figure it out.

last couple things ide like vc to do is  at night power down all my pcs on the network,and be able to set an alarm,(like wake me at 10 am with the time and weather) ive looked on the fourms
but I cant figure it out,sorry but I don't have programming skills,and how its explained for setting an alarm makes no sense to me.
ive seen eg and it being used with vc is using eg easyer to setup as far as alarms?

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