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Topics - thesystemera

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Project:
« on: August 18, 2013, 04:03:48 AM »
Here's a video of VoxCommando being used in a rather unique way. Did this mashup for my 16000 word dissertation. Do enjoy. The video is quite long as it had to be extensive but if you are a power-user or any thing of that nature I think you will enjoy it.  Feedback is welcome

The final video will have all credits and bibliography attached.  Thanks James so much man.  Bloody legend!

I'm wanting the TTS to alter style of announcing reliant on the {item.genre} payload.  

Simply put.  If a track is from the era 1995 to 2000, a response is given. "Now for some late 90s goodness" LOL!  Same goes for a track from the 1950s to the 1970s "Now for something way back"

I thought of using the new Maps functionality but I don't think Map.Get is currently sending back payloads.  Could be done with Logic Blocks if (A)Contains(B) but I would have to make a logic block for each year, would I not?

Before I spend a week trying to work this out, thought I'd ask the greater community :) aka James LOL! :D

Any idea's anyone!

Hey is any one else experiencing issues with requesting playlists via the XJSON method.

It doesn't happen all the time but it seems to happen primarily on playlists that are not particularly populated.  

Basically I have some playlists that only cater for a number of specific tracks, when requested via the protocal they come up empty.  When I go to view the playlists from within XBMC, they are populated correctly though they don't show up at all when requested.

It doesn't happen all the time, this is the strange thing, and it never seems to happen on well populated tracks.  

Here is the following command and the playlist is included as well.  

Code: [Select]
<action actiontype="XJson.Raw" repeat="1" logic="False"><paramstring>Player.Open&amp;&amp;"item":{"file":"special://profile/playlists/music/local podcast.m3u"}</paramstring></action>

Okay how do I explain this..

I can not access the "Phrase" if it is not close to the top..  I have to use a number of optional phrasees first.  For instance I can't just say the phrase "Next" or "Something different".  I have to say "Can you play me something different" even though they are meant to be only optional.  Whats interesting is that if I drag the "Phrase" near the top, it seems to work.  I'd noticed this in the past but only now have identified the issue. 

I though maybe it was a conflict with other commands but have disabled all other commands while trying to identify the bug, it literally only seems to happen when the "phrase" is four or five lines deep in "additional phrases"

Any idea..  Thanks James.  PS: Going to fully integrate X-Ref Group soon into all of this, make universal advancements so much easier..

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="134" name="Something different" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
  <phrase optional="true">um</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">yeah, yes, nah, no, yeah nah</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">can, could, would</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">you, we, I, I'm</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">do not want to, don't want to, want to, wanting, need to, needing, would like, would like to, feel like, feeling like</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">lets, let us, go and, go ahead and</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">listen, put, play</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">me, me the, me on, on, on the, to, to the, the, this, a</phrase>
  <phrase>next, another, something else, something different, different, not this, skip this, to this, skip</phrase>
  <phrase optional="true">song, track, tune, podcast, programme, show</phrase>

Feature Requests / xref.xml
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:01:04 PM »
Hey James, yes still alive, just finishing this god damm dissertation. 

In regards to xref.xml functionality.  Could you provide me with an example xml.  It would be nice if an editor was introduced straight from the phrase tree but none the less I want to test the validity of this command. 

I've got many commands that use similar introductory phrasing so using an xref.xml for all these phrases will be great especially considering how complicated it has become with simulating some natural language ability. 


General Discussion / XJSON api for XBMC quick questions.
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:11:10 AM »
Wondering if the following is possible. 

1. Request the band bio text.  when in XBMC pressing I over an artist or album will get relevant information about that band.  I want the text to use with TTS.

2. Save to favourites.  What track or podcast is currently playing, send a request via XJSON do so. 

3. This one is interesting.  Increase or decrease the rating of a track, as to say "I like this song" the rating goes up a notch if applicable and vice versa as in "I don't like this song"

I want to be able to speak a command to VoxCommando that triggers VoxWav to save the next audio event it gets..

Basically. I say start recording or "shoutout" and then the next time I press the button it saves that recording to a custom folder. Worth noting that the speech recognition would have to be temporarily disabled as to not interrupt with the system. 

The custom folder is an active smartplaylist in XBMC so my recording is then played back to me moments later amongst my music and podcasts :D

Cool huh :D

Feature Requests / Recording Memo's... Brian voicememo please...
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:03:49 AM »
Simple idea... Well in theory....

I want to be able to ask Brian to take a note..  Not in dictation form but simply to just record me.  and then have me be able to cease recording by stating an end command such as.   "Stop recording, end voicememo" etc..

I imagine this would involve activating some sort of audio recording software, preferably one that can stay minimized.  Voxcommando would have to temporarily disable it's input and only reactivate on a certain prefix. 

I was planning to also assign the folder where the audio files are recorded to a folder and then create a playlist in XBMC that would routinely monitor this folder and play back the most recent recordings when requested.  Simply so I can then say "Hey Brian, remind me of today's memo's" or a command along those lines...

What do you guys think of the feasibility of this, am I missing any great issue here.....  Thanks all....

Hi I love the "XBMC announce songs" function in the XMLBin...  Just wondering though, how would I go about doing the following.  

Instead of announcing the current song as it begins..  Can we have it announce the 'last song' then the 'current song' every second track.  Like as they do on the radio.  

For instance.   "That was Nine Inch Nails - with Teeth.  Now for some Nick Cave - Got Some."

I've all ready got it randomising the responses of each artist and track which is a nice little touch but it would be much cooler and less repetitive this way.  To do this would I require some sort of logicgate...

Thanks all... ;D ;D ;D

Feature Requests / Assisting in natural language abilities.
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:20:45 AM »
Hi all..   First and foremost.  Fantastic little app with a shite load of potential here.  I'm currently running the system through my iPhone 3GS (as I could not find a good array mic including the kinect) using a little app called pocketaudio.  

I'm currently working on my VoxCommando Treeeditor to introduce more fluent language abilities and am sitting here wondering why this is not introduced into the software more intuitively.  I'm finding myself repeating a lot of the xml code when I could be using strings or a natural language branch to apply to all sub branches...  

For instance, I call my system Brian as he is using the fantastic Ivona Text to Speech engine, he sounds like an English butler.  

I have got certain functions working fluently with almost every language variable in place and it is amazing, I just can't for the life of me be excited about applying these changes to all the commands.  Especially if lets say I wanted to change my computers name from Brian to Sam.  

Here is an example of a simple tree.  

Here the first five lines and the last line could apply to almost any command.    Yet if I wanted to change what could be a global features with lets say another greeting such as 'howdy' (which I would never actually do, I'm from New Zealand) you get my drift.  

Could a global tree be introduced for words for voxcommander to ignore with implemented rules of syntax obviously.  for instance 'hey, hi, hello' would always come before 'can, could, would' and this list would not apply directly after a command as to avoid confusion in dictation of titles for films such as 'analyse THAT'

I do stress the order of these lists is important as to not allow for complete jibberish of variables, a weighted priorty system would be the best where I could set more weight to some words that others but this is a whole new story.  I would love it if we could address natural language in to VoxCommander and then you vere well would have a true Siri killer...  Especially considering the nature of open-source add-ons..

Here is another exampe, this one works so well.. I've tried to think of variables out if it, but there are few....

Once again, the phrase 'please' could be removed three times...  So what do you guys think...



Bug Reports / Microphone starts and stops responding at random
« on: May 21, 2012, 09:35:13 PM »
Hey there...  Sadly my first post is a bug report..  Don't worry though as I have some very cool natural language xmls that I wish to share with the community soon..  First thing first though... Must get this resolved..

Basically I'm using my iPhone as a microphone through a piece of software called Pocket Audio.  It makes for a good mic and seeing I use my iPhone as the remote also, it makes sense..  It seems however that VC is having issues with this mic and is continuing to drop it out.  I have the reinitialise mic function on to check every few seconds but this only helps the problem a little. 

There will be periods where the mic runs just fine and then bang the software just decides not to play nice with it any more.  I'm pretty sure it's the software and not the system as I can still see signal in my audio settings...

What logs are required and what other testing should I look in to..  This is the only thing holding me back right now...


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