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Topics - Indy

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General Discussion / The Alt-Tab problem via voice
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:35:13 PM »
I'm not sure if I'm not approaching this problem correctly, or I am missing something obvious.  I wish to setup a voice command to toggle Alt + tab as a simple example.  I want to continue holding alt while issuing a voice command to select next window via the Tab key.  Once I am overtop the desired window, I issue another command to select that window.  Here is how it works in my head.

Phrase: Switch Windows (inputkeys.keysDown Alt + inputKeys.Send Tab)
If Phrase Next (InputKeys.Send Tab)
elseif Phrase Select (inputKeys.keysUp Alt)

I can't figure out how to give another phrase in the if statement while inside a command.  Any working code you could provide is appreciated as it helps me learn from examples.

General Discussion / Vox reads Payload phrases to you
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:19:34 AM »
Hello all,

Sorry, I searched the forums and I'm also digging through James Welcome Home XML but don't quite understand it completely how it comes all together so I thought I would ask for a little guidance.  Sorry if this has already been asked, please just point me to the thread.

I have built my first command with a payload to play Internet Music by genre which is my payload.  I simply say "Play Internet Radio <genre>" and that station I've assigned play's.  I have quite a few genre's I can choose from and I can't always remember what I called them exactly so it would be nice if I can sometimes say "Play Internet Radio" and have vox read me back the choices in my payload.  Also because it may be annoying to have to listen to 20+ choices every time before you can make a choice, can it be interrupted to listen again once you hear what you want to play that choice?  Any help or guidance is appreciated.  Love this software, its not as intimidating as it looks like at first  :bonk ;)

Kodi (XBMC) Frodo / Gotham / Isengard / Jarvis / Launch Plugins for XBMC
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:15:35 AM »
Hi Everyone,

2 questions, first is probably easy, 2nd I hope is.

1. how do I open plugins in XBMC?  I want to say "Watch TV" and it open us the correct plugin in XBMC.   I tried XBMC.Execbuiltin Runaddon ( from another example I found but that didn't open anything.  Also is there easy detection to see if XBMC is already open, if so give it focus and then run and if not open it first and then open plugin.  hahaha, seems complicated even to explain it, maybe just the opening plugin would be helpful. Maybe XBMC is already smart and does that if I issue the right json command.

2. I also watch Live TV from my XBMC and I have most of working via voice.  I want to be able to change to a certain channels via voice.  Not sure if there is an easier way.  For example, if I want to change channel to one hundred, I need Vox to keyboard press 1 0 0 <enter>.  I'm sure it would work if I spelled it out like that, but I was hoping it could be more natural.  Not sure the difficulty on this.

Any help is appreciated, feel like I'm starting to understand this, these forums are a wealth on information.


I guess I should also mention I'm not using the same LiveTV as the other topic of XBMC + LiveTV + Vox so its a little different.

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