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Messages - jitterjames

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 515
Bug Reports / Re: TCP plugin does not work stably
« on: April 30, 2021, 12:31:28 PM »
I guess maybe you are using Google speech in the chrome browser.  You did not mention that.  Perhaps there was a hardware conflict with both programs accessing the microphone.

Bug Reports / Re: TCP plugin does not work stably
« on: April 26, 2021, 08:35:58 AM »
I am not able to recreate this issue

I've developed a Hubitat driver that enables it to integrate more directly with Vox Commando.

The methods described above are still the best way to have Vox Commando send general commands to Hubitat, but the driver will let Hubitat change the Vox Commando listening mode, and will let it receive speech recognized by Vox Commando.

That's awesome.  Thanks for posting this.  ::banana  I don't use Hubitat myself but I do know there are a few VC users that do, so hopefully this is something they will be able to use.

Other Plugins / Re: usb uirt
« on: April 17, 2021, 11:13:08 AM »
If you haven't already tried it I suggest you use the 32bit version of VoxCommando.

Just to fully understand: If I say something not recognized by VC that command cannot be sent to google home account trying he respond to it?

I saw some projects on smartwatches apps or similar where that can be done (a little bit complicated to setup but possible) so I was wondering if that can be implemented here.... ???

By the way, your post is a bit off-topic for this thread because the original question was about Text To Speech.

But anyway:

It is possible to implement I'm sure, but it is not possible using VoxCommando at the moment.

It is possible in VoxCommando to save a .wav file of the last thing that was heard so in theory you could write a plugin or something that would then upload that file to Google's speech API.  This would require using their paid API though.

The way we implement Google speech with VoxCommando for free is by using the speech recognition built into the Chrome browser and there is no way to use this to upload an audio file.

It might also be possible to turn on speech recognition in Chrome and then somehow play that wav file into a recording device but this would be a messy hack.

The best option would probably be to have both VC and Chrome listening and then use some logic to decide who to listen to, assuming this did not lead to some conflicts from both applications recording from the same microphone.

General Discussion / Re: Ducking
« on: March 05, 2021, 04:54:59 PM »
No, sorry.  This is not an option. 

If you really find the transition too jarring then I suppose you could create a series of actions that adjusts the partial mute at different levels to smooth it out, but personally I would prefer a quick transition with a minimum of processing required, especially if it's to be executed every time the microphone is turned on or off.

Thanks for letting me know.  I guess Microsoft moved some things around on their website, but this is the first time in 10 years that it has happened, as far as I know.

I added the option to download the x86 version of SpeechPlatformRuntime.exe directly from our server, but I don't really want to host all of the different language packs for recognition and TTS.  I don't even know if I am allowed to distribute these Microsoft files.

As far as I know, everything still works as long as you use the x86 runtime and you use the 32 bit version of VoxCommando.

Maybe it also works if you install the x64 runtime and use the 64 bit version of VoxCommando but I have not tested this.

I recommend just using the 32 bit version as Anniv_D suggested, so that you can also use the DxInput plugin.  There is no difference in speed or power between the 32 and 64 bit versions of VoxCommando.  The only reason I have created both versions is to open compatibility with different software that might only work with 32 or 64 bit versions.  So if you need DxInput you use the 32 bit version.  For some other people maybe they have a TTS voice that only works in 64 bit, or wants to create a plugin that uses a .dll that only works in 64 bit.

I'm not sure if I understand the purpose of these commands completely, but I don't think you even need to use a variable for this.  All you need to is set or cancel the timers.

The only official information that might be able to help will be here:

But there does not seem to be much there for the EPG stuff.

You might find it easier and more effective to scrape a web page, assuming you can find one that has programming information appropriate for your area or whatever TV channels you watch.

Bug Reports / Re: Switchbot API Scrapping
« on: February 10, 2021, 04:46:29 PM »
You're welcome.  :)

I made changes to the scrape actions based on your previous post from a while ago.

I needed to add some different security protocol options because there are so many different standards in use by different servers.

Bug Reports / Re: Switchbot API Scrapping
« on: February 10, 2021, 10:26:03 AM »
The following macro works fine for me in VC except that I have no scenes because I don't have any hardware.

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="1273" name="Test get scenes" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <param />
      <param />
      <param />
      <param />
      <param>Authorization: b345lkj6h345klj6h345l6kj534h6354lkj6h354lkj654234lk5j3452</param>

Bug Reports / Re: Switchbot API Scrapping
« on: February 10, 2021, 10:21:13 AM »
Also, I recommend you try with VC version

Bug Reports / Re: Switchbot API Scrapping
« on: February 10, 2021, 10:20:11 AM »
Is it just this webpage / endpoint or do you get the same error no matter which part of the api you try to access?

I have no idea personally.  That information may not even be in the Kodi database.  There may be another way to query Kodi or maybe you need to scrape a website.  I don't have EPG capabilities here.

EventGhost / Re: Send speech command to eventghost
« on: February 06, 2021, 01:23:14 PM »
It will depend on a number of factors including your mic and other sounds.

I recommend that you use a longer phrase rather than just saying the digit.

For example, instead of a command where you only say:


make the command where you say something like:

 "select channel six"

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