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Messages - Dave

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Option 2 is now available!  :)

What about receiving messages back from the Arduino? 

I did not try this. I will report back as soon as possible. Or maybe Kalle could try it, since I'm not at home the next few day?

Option 2: ESP as stand alone chip. Programming the ESP with Arduino IDE

What you need:
- ESP8266 module (e.g. ESP-12)
- FTDI with 3.3 V

Note 1: Some libraries might not work!
Note 2: Pin numbers match GPIO numbers!

You can find a simple sketch with an web server to toggle an LED here:

Arduino support / HOW-TO: Add WiFi to your arduino projects with ESP8266
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:22:38 PM »
Option 1: Using the ESP8266 as transparent seraial bridge

What you need:
- Arduino
- ESP8266 module (e.g. ESP-01)
- FTDI with 3.3V
- computer/notebook with WiFi

That’s it!
The ESP should now connect to your network. You can find its IP e.g. with AutoScan-Network.

Connect your ESP to your Arduino (RX <-> TX, TX <->RX)
CAUTION: The ESP module works with 3.3V while most Arduinos work on 5V! Since the ESP module draws a lot of current, you will probably not be able to power it by your arduino. (The RX/TX pins seem to be 5V tolerant and I connect them directly to my (5V) arduino, try at own risk.)

You can now send messages to the serial port of your arduino with the VC action TCP.Single.WriteLn! You need to add the IP of your ESP and use port 23. Make sure to append \x0A to every message!

Have fun!

Even with this conversion, colors will probably look different on (cheap) led strips and (expensive) hue lights. But the conversion looks doable, so maybe it's worth a try.

Otherwise you could still save your favourite led strip colors and try to find an equivalent hue color manually by testing.

Arduino support / Re: arduino issues
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:19:20 PM »
Kalle, you're right.  ;) The only thing the python script does, is sending the payloads of arduinoWrite() to the serial port of the arduino. If you want to do other stuff with your arduino, you have to change sketch. There are no other python functions needed.

I like the idea to have a special arduino(+MySensors) forum!

Hi Marcus,
I'm using an android wear watch (LG G Watch) to control VC. The apps you need for this are Tasker, AutoVoice and AutoWear. It does work, but you can't send directly from your watch to VC. You will always need the phone, too (Watch -> Phone -> VC). And with solution you have to use the voice recognition by Goolge, which can't make use of VCs grammar.

The benefit is that you can use more than one language in one command. For example with Google I can say "spiele Musik von Michael Jackson" ("play music by Michael Jackson") in german and still pronounce "Michael Jackson" the way it should be. If I wanted to use this command with WSR I would have to pronounce it in a really silly way. This is one reason why I used VC in english with a normal mic and VoxWav. But then I had the same problem with german artists... Also in my opinion the german speech recognition of windows does not work very well (at least in comparison with english).

Integration Ideas / Re: Broadlink pro with RF
« on: July 09, 2015, 02:48:42 AM »
Hi Vahegan,

in terms of touch control of VC with an iPhone you could probably use the TCP-Plugin:

I was also thinking that the arduino-based IR/RF control unit could be hooked up to WiFi (using cheap esp8266 modules), so that not only the PC with VoxCommando, but also other control servers on the network can send commands to it. 

We already have some of those modules here and Kalle is probably going to start tinkering with it today. I really hope we can come up with a wifi based version :)

Hey guys, just a quick update on the IR/RF-blaster:

You can now specify a folder and filename to save the IR code on the SD card when you learn codes with VC. Before I just numbered the filenames consecutively. I also was able to add support for (long) Pronto Hex codes! So now it is possible to just download codes for your device, put them on the SD card and use them with VC.  8)

The next point on my To-Do-list is now to add support for the new self-learning RF remotes.

And this is how it looks fully assembled and ready to go  :D

The size is ~ 65 x 45 x 32 mm

The pcb boards arrived!  8)

I already assembled one and everything works fine! ;D

Hi Marcus,
yes I'm planning to get rid of the IR library. I already have some code working without the library, which (hopefully) should be able to read those long AC codes, and I will try to integrate it in my sketch soon. Unfortunately I don't have one of those ACs (35°C today, I really wish I had one...), so I can not test it.

Hi Marcus,
we are using the IRremote library.
You are right, it is the code for volume down and the hex code you showed is exactly what I get with the library. But sending this code did not work. If I remember correctly, Kalle got this code to work, when he manually changed the sending routine to use the NECx protocol.

I think even if you manage to change the library, so it can identify the right protocol for Samsung, there will always be some devices where it does not work. E.g. Kalle has a reciever by Unitymedia. He wasn't able to learn codes for this device with this library and even not with his Global iTach, but it does work well with our receiver using raw codes.

There is another benefit of the raw codes: you can easily convert them to the commonly used Pronto Codes. My plan is to name the files with the IR codes after the function and put them in device specific folders on the sd card. Then I want to use Pronto codes instead of the "normal" raw codes. So you could just download the Pronto codes for your device, put it on the sd card and use it with VC without learning every single button yourself.

Edit: Ok, I just saw that using the IRlib library, I can detect the correct protocol (NECx) for my Samsung remote. But there will still be some exotic remotes where it will not work. So I personally would stick with the raw codes. But it shouldn't be too hard change the sketch to send the short codes and the protocol to VC, since this is what I do with the RF codes already.

Code: [Select]
This is how a code for my Samsung TV looks, but there are codes for other devices which are at least 50% longer.

I'm not sure if I understand all of what you wrote. I tried to shorten the code, but the shortest I could come up with were codes with ~75 characters (converting the raw code from dec to base62). Another problem was the low ram of the arduino while converting those codes, but that is probaly because of my poor programming skills.

Otherwise, I can imagine many reasons for the data being lost when you divide it in many packets of 25 bytes. Where is the data being lost?

The data was lost between the sensor and the gateway. Most of the time not all messages could be received.

I'm just trying to help. I'll probably face the same problems once I try it myself, so I'm deeply interested.

Your help is always appreciated! When you are ready to try it and have any questions or want to see our attempts (sketches/py/hardware), just write a mail!

Hi Marcus, you are absolutely right! This is what we tried first. Basically there are two ways to store IR-Codes. The first way is to find out which type of code is recorded (NEC/RC5/RC6/Panasonic/...) and use typical patterns to generate short codes. The library we are using to receive IR can (in theory) do this. But it doesn't work with all remotes (e.g. my Samsung TV remote didn't work). That is why we use raw codes, which basically just store the time the IR led is on and off for each code. The problem with raw codes is that they are much longer, but the maximum length for a MySensors message is 25 characters. We already had a solution where we splitted the code and added a "connector-character" to each message except the last and put the code back together with the python script. But we had problems with lost messages.

I recently bought some ESP8266 Wifi moduls. If I find some spare time, I will have a look at this and see if we maybe can run a little web server on the arduino. So we could create a IR/RF blaster which can be used as a standalone device and be controlled over a website and tcp/udp/http requests. I'm nearly sure this could be done, but it would be a lot of work and I'm not sure if it makes much sense, since my PC is running 24/7 anyway... :bonk

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