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Messages - RichPyke

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You know what, I have no idea where I got this from since it's not in the command bin now... but this is what I am using (which doesn't work).

Any ideas would be great however I appreciate you are probably busy so don't rush about it, when I get chance I will try to solve it myself anyway :)

Code: [Select]
<command id="817" name="Find Actor" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
            <if ifBlockDisabled="False" ifNot="False">
                        <cmdString>Playlist.Clear&amp;&amp;"playlistid": 1</cmdString>
                        <cmdString>Playlist.Add&amp;&amp;"playlistid": 1, "item": {"file": "special://profile/playlists/mixed/voxsmart.xsp"}</cmdString>
                        <cmdString>Player.Open&amp;&amp;"item": {"playlistid": 1}</cmdString>
                        <cmdString>GUI.ActivateWindow&amp;&amp;"window": "video", "parameters": [ "special://profile/playlists/mixed/voxsmart.xsp" ]</cmdString>
            <payloadList>Find, Search, Show</payloadList>
            <phrase>film, films, movie, movies</phrase>
            <payloadFromXML phraseOnly="True" use2partPhrase="False" phraseConnector="by" Phrase2wildcard="anyone">XbmcPayloads\xbmcMovieActors.xml</payloadFromXML>

XBMC Frodo 12.1

When I use the example code for browse movies by actor, or by studio (or anything really) the list shows blank...

This used to work really well but I can only assume Frodo works differently. Has anyone found out what needs changing? I haven't seen anything on here about it so thought I would ask before I start looking in to it (my voxcommando and xbmc abilities are not exactly great)

Thanks, it looks like it works perfectly on a few quick checks, I will try it out a lot more when I've had some sleep.

Firstly I apologise if this has been addressed elsewhere but I couldn't find it so wil post here

I have an issue with generating the XML in Frodo due to the database being held on a MySQL server, is there a solution to this?

EventGhost / Re: VC & EG help
« on: September 16, 2012, 01:45:33 PM »
Perfect. I hadn't noticed that you could have VC perform actions from events rather than voice... The one place I didn't even think to look.

That'll help me out a lot and make some other actions a bit cleaner too.

EventGhost / VC & EG help
« on: September 16, 2012, 12:32:10 PM »

I've been using VC for a while now and haven't had too many issues, none I couldn't sort out... until now.

Basically, I have my energy meter which sends the signal to my RFXCOM, Eventghost picks this up and stores the data as eg.power, eg.voltage etc.

I have a VC command "how much electric am I using", which VC responds to by sending a broadcast to EG called "power". EG picks this up and runs the macro i.e. gets the eg.power variable.

How can I get a payload for the TTS.SpeakSync from EG to VC?

I can get this to happen by EG sending the Broadcast: TTS.SpeakSync and the variable, which does make it say the details but I'd prefer to have VC's TTS.SpeakSync command and the payload {eg.power} as it is surrounded by soft mutes, soft unmutes, vox off and vox standby commands (to stop vox speaking to itself and basically getting stuck in loops of commanding itself).

The VC command is;
XBMC.SoftMute 70
EvenGhost.Send Energy
TTS.SpeakSync {eg.Power}    <-- This is the bit I'm struggling with, is it {1}, {match.1}, {lastresult}???

Or (as I wrote this I thought of this and I'll try in a second, although a bit of a clunky way to do it) will I have to have EG broadcast the VC.Off, XBMC.SoftMute, TSS.SpeakSync, XBMC.SoftUnMute & VC.Standby commands?

Any help would be appreciated.

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