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Topics - HomieTheClown

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I'm running Win 7 Kodi 16.0 RC 1

I have been having trouble with the program and have finally decided to look into it. I use my amulet remote to control certain functions in Kodi (volume, tv guide, ok, etc).  It usually works.  Lately, it's been very unreliable. The remote won't work (fully charged) because Vox commando is showing red and not green. For some reason, instead of being in 'On' active listening mode, it will switch itself "off" not listening.

I will restart the program via Full Restart and it will first display 'loading plugins' in the white box and will hang. I can't click on 'On' either because it's still frozen. I can see the little windows blue circle telling me that its loading\thinking. If I control-alt-delete to close the program and restart it, I get the same thing.
The only way I've seen to make it work is restart the computer. It will work for a time being before it starts messing up again. If it's messing up with 'loading plugins' than I don't know why because I haven't messed with the configuration in a while.

Hey James, Nimestar,

I am trying to use my amulet remote to open and start my pvr client in kodi with the touch of a button. For example, I want to use the "live tv" button on the amulet to do this. I added one of my channels to my favorites so I could see what it looked like. Here it is.

<favourite thumb="C:\Users\TV\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\Thumbnails\Icons\CBS.png" name="CBS">PlayMedia("pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.nextpvr_7158.pvr")</favourite>

I just need your help adding this as a command to the voicecommands.xml file. I was messing around with Json.Raw but didn't know what parameters to use.  Thanks for your time.

Also on an unrelated note, did they ever realease a patch or firmware to make the battery in the amulet remote last longer?It has a terrible battery life.

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Weird pause repeat issue
« on: December 17, 2015, 11:24:08 AM »
I'm having an issue with using the VC.pause command.  I am making a simple xbmc\kodi command so I can press the record button on my remote which tells xbmc/kodi to start recroding a live tv show or record a show if I'm looking at my EPG. Simple stuff...

Anyway I set up a command, but the VC.pause function is messing it up. I know this because I took the pause command out and it didn't repeat it self 3 times.
Here's what I mean about the repeat part.

My macro is  1) XJson.Btn.KB         X 
                    2) VC.Pause                1000
                    3) Send keys               Left    (for move the cursor so it selects yes in the dialogue box.) 

So if your're looking at the history page, when I press my record button (to activate this macro) it makes this macro play 3 times.  Without the pause command, looking at the history, it just plays once like it's suppose too.

Anyway ideas?  bug?

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Two problems with VC
« on: October 15, 2014, 03:30:03 PM »
There have been two issues I have been dealing with in VC for a while now. Just now getting around to looking at it.

1) In XBMC Vox will randomly pause the playback of the song or movie I'm playing. I'm using an amulet remote so I thought it might be it, but I verified many times that the remote was not touched or bumped and had no red light (or any) when the XBMC pauses.  The random pausing sometimes is the only inadvertent commands being sent to from VC.

2) The other huge headache VC gives me is how it won't respond sometimes until I restart it. EXAMPLE: I'll come home after a workout leaving the computer on a few hours. I'll try to use Vox and it won't respond. As soon as I restart it, everything is fine. It just seems to ignore any voice commands I give up (in green listening mode of course). I haven't tried to re-install VC yet.

James I am hoping you have some ideas bud.


I checked out the two IR programming videos for the USBUIRT.  I understood all of it amazingly enough. I understand how you made your tv turn on\off as well as the volume go up and down. What I was wondering was can you make your Microsoft remote that you had in the video do those things without telling voxcommando? Basically using your MCE remote and the USBUIRT, can you make the volume on your tv go up\down or turn it on & off without the tv remote and without using voice commands?  If so can you clue me in how you can do that.

I'm looking in the action tree under the "plugin actions" section and I found the UsbUIRT part. There are LearnPronto, CancelLearn, SetBlink, LearnUU, and Send. I was hoping that I could set up a command that would enable me to send a IR signal from my remote to Vox that it recognized from the map editor and have it send out an IR blast to my stereo to turn the volume up.

I've been searching the forums. Do I need the install eventghost to get this to work? I learned that the amulet remote can be programmed to learn a few buttons of your remotes, but it was just 4 buttons??? I programmed the volume up button to work on for my stereo, but it was painfully slow. It was like the amulet remote only sends out the IR code once and doesn't repeat it causing you to have to mash the button over and over....

What is a good microphone for speech recognition? / Amulet questions
« on: August 16, 2014, 03:01:19 PM »
This is a questions for all your amulet xbmc\kodi users:

First off does anyone use the remote's buttons to do certain functions. Like stop, play, skip forward\backwards 30 seconds, etc. Obviously use the VC to control your media is awesome but some functions would be nice to be controlled by a simple buttons especially since we are having to pick up the amulet remote anyway. 

So is it possible to program the buttons to do certain functions in XBMC. 

James this question is for you.   I have had VC randomly pause a video in XBMC out of nowhere. The Amulet will be on the table not active so I don't understand how or why VC would do this?  It's VC 2 full version, not the demo.  I think the program is great.  Still trying to learn how to use it properly.  I wish there a way to place microphones around the house to have it always listening.  I saw your 'coming home from work' video and it looked like you had something similar set up. Of course I think I also saw you talking on your phone so I wasn't sure.

Ty guys for your continued help. I hope I am no ruining anyone's Sunday.  The wife is this weekend is why I am spending lots of time on this program.  I am trying to work on the speech recognition part of the program.  I just spent $30 bucks on a desktop mic. I'll probably get something better soon but needed something to test out.  I've already ran the Windows 7 speech recognition software and did a little training.  

In my picture in the pink box I am trying to get my phrase 'hello there' which should open up Pandora.  Unfortunately VC doesn't recognize those words at all. I think it has something to do with the Frodo XBMC configuration that I am in. I'm guessing that the Frodo config only has so many words in it, but I'm also guessing you can add more words like 'hello' and 'there' so VC will recognize the phrase hello there.

I'm not trying to be ignorant and not look around first. Just posting my progress (or lack there of).  So basically I'm trying to say the phrase 'hello there' so it will open up Pandora.

Oh does anyone here who's responding use XBMC. I think I saw Kalle say he did.  IF so, which mic set up do you have?  Thanks in advance!

P.S. I should add.  in the command build area, I right clicked on the command for the pandora command and selected 'train speech profile'.  Then I set the rejection threshold down to 80 and made a succesful test in the 'label1' box.  Click ok, save the xml file and restarted the program. Still nothing...

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