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Messages - Dave

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Hi mexicanto, I'm not sure if Kalle mentioned it in the description of the BEAM, but there are basically two types of RF-Remotes/Outlets. The "old" ones, where you can choose the code via dip-switch or similar, and the "new" ones (like yours), where the outlets learn the codes from the remote. Currently it is probably not possible to learn codes or generate events from "new" remotes. But it is possible to let the "new" outlets learn a code from the BEAM. So you can use them with BEAM, but you can't use them with BEAM and the remote at the same time.

Kalle, James is right. The two quotation marks between "...&&" and "RF read&&" are not needed and don't make sense.

Hi mexicanto,
sorry, I don't have any example code. What you want to do should be possible in theory, but I never tried sending messages from arduino to VC using the serial bridge method. I don't use this method anymore at all. As long as you only need one analog input I would recommend using method 2 e.g. with a nodemcu board.

allgemein / Re: Using VOxWav to WakeUp (WOL) Voxcommand PC?
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:39:07 PM »
Ah, sorry James, must have read over this.
When is the WoL messeage sent? Everytime VoxWav is focused? Or everytime VoxWav starts listening?

allgemein / Re: Using VOxWav to WakeUp (WOL) Voxcommand PC?
« on: November 18, 2015, 11:41:42 AM »
Hallo und willkommen im Forum!
Soweit ich weiß, aht VoxWav keine WoL Funktion. Ich habe das ganze eine Zeit lang mit Tasker und "WoL Wake On Lan Wan" gelöst. (WoL Signal wenn sich mein Handy mit dem Wlan verbunden hat, danach hat mein PC mein Handy regelmäßig angepingt, um zu prüfen ob ich noch da bin und falls nicht in den Standyby Modus zu gehen)
Mittlerweile benutze ich als MediaCenter und Hausautomatisierungs-PC wie viele andere hier auch einen Mini-PC, der rund um die Uhr läut. In meinem Fall ist es ein Zotac Pico, es gibt aber auch günstigere Varianten. Mittlerweile gibt es sogar einige HDMI-Sticks mit Windows, auf denen VC laufen kann. Der Verbrauch vom Zotac Pico liegt bei <4W im Leerlauf und <7W unter Vollast, sodass es auch kein Problem ist ihn 24/7 laufen zu lassen.

VoxWav Free and VoxWav Pro / Re: using only Voxwav
« on: September 17, 2015, 03:18:16 PM »
Yes, in off-mode voice commands are ignored. But the on-/standby-/off-mode does not apply to Voxwav, so you can still use your phone for commands when VC is in off-mode.

allgemein / Re: VoxCommando kaufen
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:50:57 AM »
Hopefully one of our German friends will show up soon and can translate the following message:

Here I am  ;)

Hallo Zicke,
ich übersetze mal die Nachricht von nime5ter:
"Leider scheint es heute ein Problem mit dem VoxCommando-Aktivierungsserver zu geben. Er funktioniert zwar, ist aber von Zeit zu Zeit langsam. Trotzdem zeigt der Log des Servers, dass dein Aktivierungscode akzeptiert wurde. Bitte stelle daher sicher, dass nicht deine Antivirus Software oder deine Firewall die Aktivierung verhindern. Du solltest bereits eine Firewall-Ausnahme for VoxCommando in deinem lokalen provaten Netzwerk erstellt haben. Eventuell musst du vorübergehend deine Antivirus Software abschalten, um die Aktivierung abzuschließen."

P.S.: Herzlich willkommen im Forum und viel Spaß mit VC  :)

I don't know if it is possible with Bluetooth, but if you search the forum for "ping" or "ping phones" you should find a Python script which generates events when your phone connects or disconnects to your WiFi.

Edit: Here is the thread:

Thanks for the explanation!
Writing to and reading from an external file sounds good for my needs, now I only need to find out how to do it :D

But honestly, do you really need to have your sliders always up-to-date once per second?  I think not.  Most of the time you would want to set them and then they will be at the correct value because you set them.  Nime5ter's solution for reading the values seemed good to me for when you want to check the current value. 

OK, maybe not once a second. In my scenario I'm using three smartphones and a tablet to control VC. One phone is only used as remote/microphone and has the page always loaded. Therefore it would be nice to have up to date values on all devices. But of course it is not needed, I was just curious what could be done with VCs webserver.

Yes I was afraid it could affect the functionality of VC, at least with this high pooling rate.  ::confused

Is there any other way to display always up to date values?

@Kalle: I don't see a way to use this, but I'm not experienced with JavaScript and all those web based stuff, so I could be wrong...

Hi nime5ter, thanks for this great example! :clap

I guess I have to learn JavaScript now ::hmm

If anyone is interested, I made some slightly changes to the script, so that now the sliders will poll the volume data automatically every second. You can change the time between two polls easily with the variable "pollTime" in line 11.

So if you use more than one device to remote control VC the sliders will automatically adjust to the right volume without clicking the label. The same can of course be done with the toggle switches.

I'm not sure if this is the best way to handle a multi device scenario, since it will flood the VC history especially if you use allways-on devices like a wall mounted tablet. Is there a way to "push" data from VC to the website?

Bug Reports / Re: AudioEndpoint?
« on: August 16, 2015, 05:04:14 PM »
Hi! I'm using VC on my Zotac Pico PI320 since a few days. Unfortunately I can't load the AudioEndpoint plugin. I tried a clean install and both VC and Disabling my anti virus software did not help. When I copy the complete VC folder to my laptop everything works fine. A log file is attached. My Zotac is running Windows 8.1 with Bing. Could this cause this issue?  ::dis

Kalle has the same Zotac and will try if he has the same problem tomorrow.

Integration Ideas / Re: VoxWavPro on Moto 360
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:52:45 AM »
The Moto 360 does not run Android 5! It's running with Android Wear and you won't be able to run VoxWav on it. All Android Wear watches need special Wear-optimized apps. Kalles watch has a "real" Android installed on it, so he was able to use VoxWav with it.

At the moment there is no other solution than the Tasker+AutoVoice method to use your Android Wear watch with VC. But in my opinion this method works quite well. (I'm using it with an LG G Watch)

1-  Use the TCP plugin with the simple web server and a web page with your buttons on it and putting a shortcut to the page on your phone's home screen.  The TCP webserver comes with a sample web page.  I'm actually surprised no one has done more with this options.

I used the webserver solution with EG and just adapted my web page to work with VC instead today, since VC got so powerful that I don't need EG anymore  8)

We are flashing the firmware every time we upload a new sketch, so you have to connect GPIO0 to GND first (before powering the module)!

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