Author Topic: A simple query function (Question / Answer)  (Read 1206 times)

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A simple query function (Question / Answer)
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:06:30 AM »
I know this has been brought up before but why not have a new option called query or QA in the list to go along with payloads, phrases, etc. This time make it have two parts.

1. The question which is essentially OSD/TTS speaking
2. The available responses which should be pretty much like the IF THEN functionality but setup more like a Select Case (for the programmers out there).

The main difference is, once a query (QA) is triggered, all other XML voice commands are ignored until one of the available responses is given. And lets say there is always a kill switch called "Cancel" to the query to override it.


Question: Do you prefer Blue or Red?

Available Responses:

Blue, Red, I prefer Blue, I prefer Red, Neither

Each available response can have an action tied to it. The possibilities are now huge!

Example 2:

This example uses a normal command then linked to the QA action.

Phrase: "I would like to listen to some music, I would like to listen to music"

Response: QA (query) TTS.SPEAK "What type of music would you like to listen to?"

** At this point all other XML phrases and commands are ignored except the list of choices **

Available Responses: "Classical, Rock, Jazz, Country, etc.)

Let's say the user chose "Classical" and the action linked with that is another QA(query) which asks "Which artist do you prefer?" and available options could be "Bach, Beethoven, etc."

Can you see the possibilities, and the feature would be fairly simple to implement as it already kind of exists. As far as the isolation of commands goes on the QA(queries) from a technical standpoint. Unload existing XML from speech recognition, load temporary available responses, then unload those once a response is given and return to original list of XML commands. Simple and reduces false recognitions and allows Yes and No to apply to many things in a proper Context of a question.

Please please please add this! Or if it can be done.. please demonstrate it with examples. Thanks!

aussie mate

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Re: A simple query function (Question / Answer)
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2014, 08:22:41 PM »
This sounds like a good way to contain a set of question and answers within one command group which would be a great feature.
It should make VC easier to program and for it to do such things with human like responses.

i agree that  to stop endless looping you would need a cancel phase- it could be put in the option menu with the confirm phases
Go Manly, NSW & the All Blacks