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Topics - tn42

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Traffic information plugin (Google MAPS plugin)
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:27:06 AM »
Would be awesome if you could add a plugin that uses the google map API or maybe waze API to get for example

* travel time from point A to point B
* traffic information for the rout from Point A to B
* traffic information on a specific route or zone?

 this would be very helpful to have when leaving for work. Or the local food market and stuff like this?

You get the Idea? Wouldn't this be awesome to add to VC.

What do you think James?

Feature Requests / Options - Sounds for Recognized
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:47:29 AM »
I was wondering if it is possible to modify the "Options -> Sounds -> Recognized"

To something like:
If the command/event do's NOT have TTS.Speak or TTSMS.Speak (or other similar command) then play the sound set in "Options -> Sounds -> Recognized"

Do you know what I mean? Or maybe I am setting up my commands the wrong way?

VoxWav Free and VoxWav Pro / Mic always on (or is it?)
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:36:13 AM »
Okey maybe a vage or "cryptic" subject description. Feel free to rename it.

While pushing the "Always ON button" I am able to call on/give commands to VC at anytime from my android tablet. (By any time I mean that I can browse different apps while VoxWav runs in the BG and still listens and also while the screen is powered off). After some time, this could vary from 15 min to 12 h, it just stops listening. When I open the app up the "Always ON button" is switched off or its switched ON but it is not listening.
Usually this is easily solved by toggling the "mic always ON/OFF button" a few times. And one time I had to restart VC on the host computer to get it to work again but that was probably some other problem.

Does anyone have any thoughts to why this is happening to me?

VoxWav Free and VoxWav Pro / VoxWav Error
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:33:48 AM »

I have mounted a android tablet on the wall running 24/7 with the mic always on.

About 2 times every day I get an error and the VoxWav app has to be restarted. I am not doing anything special when the error occurs. Mostly I just notice that the app stopped responding to commands. So I switch on the screen and that’s when I see the error message.  I have not figured out why this happens. And need some help figuring it out. The tablet is brand new and its basically VoxWav, Plex, skype and Yamaha network receiver app running on it, and nothing more.

Can I enable logging of the app? So I could send the crashLog to you or something?

Feature Requests / VoxWav - Microphone switch ON/OFF with screen
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:53:36 AM »

I would like some option/setting in VoxWav to toggle its mic ON/OFF when the phone or tablet screen is toggled ON/OFF aka. sleep ON/OFF.

Is this possible?

Best Regards TN42

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / VoxWav - Microphone
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:29:41 PM »

I have VoxWav Pro, I have set it to always listen.

Now I want VoxWav to only listen while the tablet is on. If the tablet enters sleep mode VoxWav should stop listening.

Is this possible? If not maybe this would be something that should be in the settings? It should not be that hard to implement?

Best Regards TN42

RegEx (Regular Expressions) / Results.RegEx: unexpected error
« on: January 04, 2015, 05:27:18 AM »
Hi I am getting a "Results.regex: unexpected error"

when i do Scraping of

and then Results.RegEx of <title>(.*?)</title>

I have tried it in RegExTool.Open and it works fine there.

What am I doing wrong? What is happening. :o

VoxCommando Basics and Core Features / Multiple confirmation commands
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:30:44 AM »

Long time no see   :)

Well I have now bought a license of VC and started to set everything up, the multi room problem is still not completely solved, but im working on that one.

One thing I do have a problem with (kind of my original question for this forum).

I am having trouble setting up this command sequence, maybe you guys could help me out with by sending me a xml file or something?

The layout for the command sequences should be something like...

1* Me: "Goodnight sarah." or other similar phrase

2* computer:"Do you wanna watch something before you go to bed?"

3* Me: YES/NO

4* if: yes - send event to EG (this part is easy) it turns on the TV and media center and sets the TV to sleep in 60 min (I have all-ready set this part up in EG)
4* if: no - dont send anything to EG

5* computer: its cold outside, should I pree heat the car for you tomorrow?

6* me: YES/NO

7* if: YES
7* if: NO (TTSMS: Godnight TN42 | Enjou your movie... ) nothing more happens

8* computer: should i set a timer (this happens only if I say YES in 7*)

9* me: yes, set the timer for hh:mm OR no

10* if: yes (send event to EG preheatcar_hhmm)
10* if: no (send event to EG preheatcar)

11* computer: Goodnight

Is something like this possible?

Every bit of help is highly appreciable .


Im currently in trile mode and I rely like this product and wanna buy it. But be4 I do, I wanna get some help to get voxcommando to recognize me to a minimum 9 out of 10 commands I give it.
Currently it dose not do that  :(

So im gonna list what I have done this far.

* Using MS SP 11
* Hifi mic open air
* My english accent is pretty good. (I have tried both US and GB)
* my mic registers about 3-10% of voxcommando mic level indicator

Okey so I have set up a baseline: controlling the bed light
i have 2 phrases

Phrase 1. turn, switch, bed light, bed lights
Phrase 2. on, off, bed light on, bed light off, bed lights on, bed lights off, on bed light, off bed light, on bed lights, off bed lights

and then something like (A)contains(B)
if {lastspoken} contains "on"

Okey. how can I reach a accuracy of 9 out of 10 commands (accuracy 90%)?

1. Is it possible to get 90% or higher?
2. what is best MS SP 11 or the regular (without training and with training)
3. is it a smart way of setting up the phreses for the commands to help voxcommando?
4. is it possible to run two voxcommando at the same time on the same computer using MS SP 11 and regular with 2 microphones (one mic for each instant of vox) to compare results
5. what else can I do to improve the accuracy?

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