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Messages - SeanCRS1

Pages: 1 2 [3]
EventGhost / Re: James awesome HALX Eventghost plugiin
« on: August 29, 2013, 01:04:38 PM »
As always thanks for the speedy response.  I had checked out the USB-UIRT before but for what ever reason though it only controlled one device, obviously didn't do my homework on that one.  Have ordered it and excited to get it up and running!



EventGhost / Re: James awesome HALX Eventghost plugiin
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:30:07 AM »
Hey James and group,
I have been away a while and haven't had time to do much with the Home Automation stuff but have picked back up and started again and very excited about some new hardware options.  I have been tinkering with the KineMote and Xbox Kinect Sensor... My dream is to have the the whole automation completely hands-free, mics and gestures to control everything.  Eventually probably going to use the Microsoft API to build a very simple gesture list and hopefully focus the camera as distance and lighting obviously play a huge part in the recognition.  But anyhow way off topic there...

Long story short the Kinect Mic actually works darn well in my house, although still not as well as the VoxWave android app =D...  My last part of the home automation gambit is turning on and controlling IR devices with VoxCommando.  Until recently I had given up then I watched the Youtube Video you did James and was blown away... AMAZING video!  I have looked into HALX and now HaLi but my understanding is they are both Europe based only?  Can anyone confirm if these devices are available in the U.S.A. yet and exactly what devices I would need to purchase?  I am certainly not opposed to being lab rat but hoping someone has been down this road and can shed some light.



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