Plugin TTS

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SEE ALSO: TTS Settings

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Plugin Description

Text-to-Speech actions.

Actions for the TTS plugin


Returns the last text that was spoken by the TTS plugin. If TTS selected text randomly because of the pipe symbol | it will return whichever string was actually spoken. If TTS plugin has not spoken yet, it will return an error.


Used with VoxWav for Android.
Instructs VoxWav to attempt to set the TTS engine to the language specified by the two character Language Code.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. Language Code : en, es, fr, de, pt etc. [string]


Sets the audio output device to be used for TTS (text to speech).
It will select the first device found with a descriptions that contains <DeviceName>.
If <DeviceName> is an integer it will select by the device number.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. DeviceName : The name of the output device to use for TTS [string]


Set the opacity of the talking head form. 0 = invisible, 100 = opaque.
The talking head must already be visible to use this action.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. Opacity : 0-100 [integer]


Adjusts the rate (speed) that the voice will talk at. Valid range is from -10 to +10

  • Parameters: 1
  1. Rate : -10 (slow) to +10 (fast) [integer]


The talking head must already be visible to use this action.
Using no parameters will disable transparency.
Setting the RBG colour using the 3 parameters will set the transparency to that colour so any parts of your talking head images that match that colour will become transparent and show whatever is beneath the talking head form.
When using transparent images (gif, png) you must use 0,0,0 (black)

  • Parameters: 0-3
  1. Red : 0-255 [integer]
  2. Green : 0-255 [integer]
  3. Blue : 0-255 [integer]


Set the TTS engine to use the voice with the name <VoiceName>.
You can view the available names in the TTS Plugin settings. <VoiceName> can be a substring of the actual TTS voice name.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. VoiceName : <voicename> [string]


Set the TTS engine to use the voice with the <VoiceNum>th voice. The order of voices can be seen in VoxCommando options.
The number and names of voices may change if you install or uninstall voices.
The first voice in the list will have a number of: 0

  • Parameters: 1
  1. VoiceNum : First voice is 0 [integer]


Sets the output volume of the TTS voice.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. TTS Volume : <1-100> [integer]


Show or hide the TTS talking head, depending on whether the param <ShowWindow> is True or False.
If <ShowBorder> is False then the window conatining the head will have no border (frame).

  • Parameters: 1-2
  1. ShowWindow : True=Show, False=Hide [boolean]
  2. ShowBorder : True=Show, False=Hide [boolean]


Positions the talking head window by specifying the top and left coordinates of the window relative to the top left corder of the screen.
If both Width and Height are specified the window will also be resized accordingly.

  • Parameters: 2-4
  1. Top : [integer]
  2. Left : [integer]
  3. Width : [integer]
  4. Height : [integer]


Speaks the string aloud. VC will choose randomly from multiple phrases separated by the symbol: |

  • Parameters: 1
  1. TTS text : <stringoption1 | stringoption2 | etc. [string]


Same as TTS.Speak, but VC will wait until speaking is complete before continuing to the next action.

  • Parameters: 1
  1. TTS text : <stringoption1 | stringoption2 | etc.> [string]


Same as TTS.Speak, but instead of speaking aloud, the speech will be recorded to a wav file.

If PlayWav is true the wav will be played immediately, otherwise the file will be created but not played by VoxCommando.

  • Parameters: 1-3
  1. TTS text : What should the TTS engine say? [string]
  2. Path : Where to save the wav file [string]
  3. PlayWav : True = play the wav file after creating it [boolean]


Interrupts the TTS voice (if it is still speaking). In other words it stops the TTS voice from speaking. Text that has not been spoken yet is discarded.