TTS settings

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TTS Plugin settings.png

TTS (text to speech)

There are two text-to-speech plugins in VoxCommando.

  1. The standard TTS plugin works with SAPI 5 TTS voices such as the Ivona products. The TTS plugin is enabled by default when you first install VoxCommando.
  2. The TTSMS plugin works with Microsoft's free TTS voices that are distributed with MS Speech Platform 11. You will need to enable this plugin before you can use your downloaded MS voices.

Note: If you are using the TTSMS plugin and voices, you will need to use the TTSMS.** set of actions. If you have installed one of VC's standard configurations, you will probably need to edit the commands that currently use TTS.** actions.

Default Voice

  • Here you can set the default voice that will be used by VoxCommando for text to speech.
    • This means VoxCommando speaks any text such as song name, album, time, etc. using the voice that is selected here.
    • If you have more than one voice installed, these should be listed here and you can select your preferred voice.
  • By default, Windows 7 only comes with one voice (Anna if your OS is English). Good TTS voices (e.g. Ivona or NeoSpeech licensed voices) usually must be purchased.
    • If you have more than one TTS voice installed, you can change the voice at any time via an action in your command. This TTS voice will continue to be used until you switch it again using another action, or you close and re-start VoxCommando.
    • If you want your TTS to speak in a certain language, you must use a voice designed for that specific language.

Disable speech recognition during TTS.SpeakSync

Turns speech recognition off before each TTS.SpeakSync action occurs, and then turns it back on after the TTS.SpeakSync action is completed. This may be useful if you are finding that VC is mistakenly trying to execute commands when it hears the TTS voice speaking aloud. Note that this only works for TTS.SpeakSync actions, not TTS.Speak actions.

TTS Talking Head

See wiki page TTS_plugin_Talking_Head