Plugin Bing

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Plugin Description

Translation tools provided by the Microsoft Bing web based API. All actions require an internet connection. You must aquire your own developer key and specify it in the Bing plugin settings.

Actions for the Bing plugin


Translates <Text> from <FromLang> to <ToLang>.
<FromLang> can be either a language code or auto.

  • Parameters: 3
  1. Text : Text to translate From [string]
  2. FromLang : language code (translate from from this language) [string]
  3. ToLang : language code (translate to this language) [string]


Web based TTS (text to speech).
Speaks the given <Text>, in the <Language> specified.
Does not pause execution of the command until speech is complete.

  • Parameters: 2
  1. Text : [string]
  2. Language : 2 letter code [string]


Web based TTS (text to speech).
Speaks the given <Text>, in the <Language> specified.
Pauses execution of the command until speech is complete.

  • Parameters: 2
  1. Text : [string]
  2. Language : [string]


Attempts to detect what language <Text> is written in.
Returns a language code. Example: en

  • Parameters: 1
  1. Text : [string]