This collection is basically a plugin for InContol Home Automation sotware(similar to Veralite). IDK if anyone here uses it but, it runs on Windows & has a free trial It uses Aoenlabs Zstick for it's zwave controller setup:
- Open the InControl setup folder & open the Set User .Variable Macro. Replace the "yourip" ("in this string" {http://yourIP:1178)} with your InControl host ip adress
- Replace "yourPassword" with your InControl password
- Run the command once
Current commands available:
Generate Device List
Generate Scene list
Set Device {1} to {2}
Set Device {1} level to {2}
Set thermostat Setpoint to (1)
Activate Scene {1}
What Is device {1} current state
I updated this quite a bit:
Generates these payload xml's on setup now.
Battery Status.xml
Rooms associated devices.xml
The Main devices are now split off into two categories:
True Devices(Actual Switches,Outlets) &
Virtual Devices(Virtual weather & other devices)
There are also a couple of Device type.xml's. Those don't do anything right now, i plan on using them to cross match with the Device ID & Room ID xml's. That way I can separate devices based on type & room. If anyone knows a good way to cross match xml's within VC, speak up.
Added Commands:
Activate Scene by ID (This is more reliable as it's not affected by scene name changes)
What's the battery status of {1}
Thermostat Set {1} to Mode {2}
Thermostat Set {1} to Fan Mode {2}
Another note: you may have to flip some of your phrase/values around on some of the xml's. When i tried setting the regex command to do it, it would stop returning results after 15 or so. Even though the regextool was returning 64. Not really sure what is going on there. It may work fine for you.