AARRGG... still having issues... I have to stick by my guns and presume it might have something to do with my modified XML...
What I have noticed is that the problem mostly happens when I'm relaunching or saving commands to the XML and am applying a reset. As I said though, some times it works great, it just seems to become confused and non responsive over time or at random intervals. But if I use a standard XBMC xml provided I do not loose the mic or get weird results.
I have the impression that the software might be spending too much time on my large XML and is getting distracted from mic operations??? I don't know but I don't have this issue when I revert to standard XML...
Any idea guys... I'm loving this software and I'm not giving up by a long shot...
Ok, if you mean your "voicecommands.xml" it is not big, my one has round about 400KB
I'm not really sure, I think your command phrases make the problems - you use for the most commands the same "optional" phrases (these are the italicized)
I know you would spend VC a bit more human touch, but this could be the problem. I think VC can not always differentiate which command you mean or sometimes you make a longer pause between the phrases and VC noticed as the end of you command phrase and can't find any command to trigger it.
It might be help if you play with "Phrase Processing" Parameters in "Options - Advanced tab"