
Arduino & Other Home-made Gadgets (that work with VC!) => BEAM IR/RF Wifi transceiver => Topic started by: Kalle on January 25, 2016, 03:16:31 AM

Title: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on January 25, 2016, 03:16:31 AM
So far I can say, the hardware and the basic firmware for the "BeamSphere" is ready, now we near to order the PCB boards.
Update 23.04.2016:

The costs for a prototyping "BeamSphere", full assembled (IR/RF) is 35 EUR + 5 EUR shipping (international).

THE BETATESTING is now completed - there is no more BEAM for betatester available.

The regular price for the BeamSphere is now 50 EUR + 5 EUR shipping (international)

Note added by jitterjames:
This project is mostly "for fun" and if Kalle decides it is no longer fun to build and ship these units then he has the right to stop selling them at any time!

Here are the hard- and software overview at the moment:

Sphere size 80mm, color white
1x USB micro connector (for power supply)
1x 3.5mm mono connectors for external IR-Emitters (to control devices inside a furniture)
9x controllable RGB-LED (WS2812b)arranged on the PCB board in a circle (the LEDs will give you a feedback for all states of the BeamSphere and can be disabled if not needed "stealth mode")
2x IR-Emitters to blast IR signals in a wide angle
1x IR-Receiver to learn IR codes
1x RF-Transmitter (*315/433MHz) to send RF signals for a lot of available devices like light switches and sockets
(*note it is possible to install both transmitter chips in the BEAM, but this will cost 5 EUR extra, because it need some work to solder it)
1x RF-Receiver (**315/433MHz Superheterodyne) to learn RF signals from remotes
(**note the RF frequency must be specified when you order.  It can be installed with either chip but not both!)

1x Microcontroller with WiFi (b/g/n)
1x 3 PIN connector to mount a PIR sensor on the PCB (optional)

Software features (status 25.01.2016):
A web based GUI to setup the Network for your needs (SSID,Password, Shpere name, Sphere IP, etc.).
OTA (over the air) upgradeable firmware (the firmware can be easy updated directly in the Sphere-GUI by selecting a given file over WiFi)
Learn-GUI to learn and send IR/RF codes
Learn IR and RF codes in Raw format (learning raw RF codes requires VoxCommando and the Beam plugin)
Color picker to set the BEAM color for using it as moodlight
Send IR codes as hex (Samsung, Sony, NEC/LG) or in GC-iTache format (thousands of device codes available)
Send UDP mesages (events) to communicate with VoxCommando - for example: The BeamSphere can send a learned code with protocol and code to VoxCommando and in this way the code can be stored automatically in a Maptable or you can trigger a VC command with any button on your remote - the UDP send function can be deactivated if not needed.
You can use VoxCommando to control to send a IR/RF code by voice or any remote software like NetIO, iRule or other software which can send HTTP to build your own remote on a tablet or mobile

You have also the option to buy the unassembled board with- or without the Sphere or maybe you do not need the RF modules or RGB LEDs or maybe you need some external IR emitters - everything is possible.
Feel free to ask for the costs.

But one thing: This device is handmade (DIY project) and not a china mass production with thousands of devices, but this means the fit and finish is not perfect  ;)

If you are interested in this equipment, please let us know , so we can plan the order of pieces (PCB boards and parts).

I attached some pictures of the GUI

@Dave and James: Maybe I've forget some features or other things - so feel free to complete this post
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on January 25, 2016, 04:49:29 AM
I am very interested in the module, do you have a price table/list ?

thank you Kalle
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Foggy on January 25, 2016, 07:17:44 AM
Hi Kalle,

Please put my name on the list.

Best wishes.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: sainf on January 25, 2016, 06:06:01 PM
you can add me as well
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: bnikos83 on January 29, 2016, 02:47:48 AM
Hi Kalle,

count me in as well!

Thank you!
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Junhglebeast on January 29, 2016, 11:43:17 AM
on board
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on January 30, 2016, 12:49:06 PM
Please note that Kalle has updated some information in the first post at the top of this thread including the cost for early adopter / beta testers.

I'm working on some new features that will allow this device to be set to any colour.  So for now this device can be seen as being a combination of the following devices:

- An itach flex (wifi IR learning and sending powered by a USB cable)
- A low power Philips Hue "Go" in the form of a sphere.
- A UUIRT (because it can receive IR and generate events in VC so you can use any remote to trigger macros).
- Learn and send RF signals for controlling certain switches and similar RF equipment.  Similar to "Broadlink pro" but faster without need of internet connection.

And for now I think it's cheaper than any of these device by itself!

For me this is a kind of dream device.   8)

...And even though it's hand-made the latest prototype by Kalle looks fantastic.  I'm hoping he will be able to upload some decent photos soon.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Haddood on January 30, 2016, 04:38:15 PM
it seems you guys did an incredible job :clap ... however you forget a PayPal or something to be able to send you the money (BTW I am interested in one without the sphere)

and you should think seriously about putting it on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, all that is missing an app to control it for people without VC, maybe you'll get enough money to stop your work and dedicate to developing VC :P
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on January 30, 2016, 05:50:05 PM
To control the blaster or send and learn codes, VC is not explicit needed but it works fantastic together. There are some apps availabe to send http requests like NetIO or iRule. It is also possible to create your own remote with a webpage.

I will send the PayPal data together with the confirmation of the order  ;)
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on January 31, 2016, 05:48:51 AM
Hi Kalle,
I will need a couple of those, please
let me know when they are ready

Thank you
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: multimedia on February 14, 2016, 01:00:56 PM
Can I please be a beta tester?
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 14, 2016, 02:32:57 PM
Hi Multimedia and welcome to the VC Forum.

I've already parts for the first 5 BeamSphere and have already start to assemble. The only missing part is the 315MHz RF Receiver/Transmitter for North America. If you live in Europe (433MHz RF) or you did not need the 315MHz stuff, you can place your order here. I think I can start to ship the beam sphere next week.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mr.niki on February 14, 2016, 03:57:09 PM
can describe in detail what kind of device.
its possibilities. (What is it?)
I have translated the entire forum but could not fully understand what it is
If it is possible it will be interested to send in Russian?
For some reason, I'm sure that will interest
Sorry for the language translator Google
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 14, 2016, 04:10:58 PM
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mr.niki on February 14, 2016, 04:29:24 PM
is it possible to order the BEAM delivery in Russia
And if so, how many all together with the shipment will cost
and how to pay
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Foggy on February 14, 2016, 05:44:38 PM
Hello Kalle,

I am in the UK and would like to order 1. Please advise how I should pay.

Best wishes.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 14, 2016, 06:20:12 PM
I will send PMs to anyone who has already requested to be a beta tester.

I think we can ship some UK units soon, the US/Canada versions will have to wait a bit longer unless people want to get them with no RF chips.  You can buy the RF chips on ebay and install them later easily though if anyone wants to do that.

We only have a very limited number of units that we can make right now until we get more ESP8622 boards delivered.

Most stuff comes from China and the Chinese new year slows everything down a lot at this time of year for getting stuff shipped to us.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: vulcanjedi on February 14, 2016, 11:37:23 PM
LT friend here. Count me in too James / Kalle for beta and production orders. Definitely been looking for something like this and recall the first threads when Kalle's initial prototypical tinkering were up....had no idea its dev was progressing to this. Super excited.
US here. I could/would order the chip if needed.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 15, 2016, 01:11:44 AM
Hi, I am in California
about  months ago i ordered and have it now a bunch of 315 and 433 rf modules, if somebody need one, just let me know, i can give it one for free

how can i order a BEAM (the most complete version, IR, w/o RF) now ?

Thanks (actually, i think i am the first on the beta tester list  ;))
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 15, 2016, 10:48:55 AM
@ Mexicanto: Thanks. You will be included in our first batch.  I will contact you shortly.  It's good that you have RF chips already.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 15, 2016, 11:05:52 AM

We have a very limited supply of units that can be made at this point in time.

At the moment we can only make 6 new units.  We will try to send them according to the order in which people expressed interest in this forum thread, if you "qualify" as a beta tester.  Please see below.

In 2 to 4 weeks we hope to be able to make 8 or 9 more.  It will mostly depend on how long it takes us to get parts delivered.  We are waiting for custom printed PCBs and ESP8266 processors, as well as 315Mhz RF transceivers

After that, we will not be sending out any new units until we have a chance to work with all our beta testers.

If we decide to make more after that the price will be increased, and we may have to look at our long term plans to decide if we can realistically do this.  None of us has any experience with this type of thing and there are many considerations if we want to make a large number of units.

If we do not decide to keep making them, we will be sharing the information required (hardware AND software) so that you can make your own, and we will probably also make a large batch of PCBs that we can deliver to you because making only a couple at one time is a waste of money.

For those that want to be one of the first 15 beta testers please take note:
1) We will only be shipping units within Europe and North America.
2) We require our beta testers to be fluent in either English or German so that we can communicate more easily with you and you with us.  Otherwise you are not really able to act as a beta tester who can contribute to the learning process for us.

I'm sorry if this leaves anyone out.  It is not our intention to upset anyone.  This is all an experiment for us right now.   And it should be noted that we are not making any money.  Quite the opposite in fact.

I hope everyone understands. :)
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 15, 2016, 02:22:14 PM
Please don't send private messages.  Requesting on this thread is enough.

Here are some new photos of the work Kalle is currently doing...  Beautiful. :)

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: MrWolf on February 16, 2016, 03:59:55 AM
Please add me to this list!! This looks like amazing work as always. We'll done Kalle!  I still use my wireless RGB strip daily :)

I'm in the UK but and I don't know if it's even possible but having the ability to use both RF bands would be amazing, my stupid projector screen is on non EU band.

You guys rule.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 16, 2016, 09:08:48 AM
It might be possible to bodge something together putting both rf transmitters on the same pins but I have no way to really test this because I don't have any 433mhz devices.

Otherwise you would need to use 2 separate Beam devices I guess.

Learning codes for either should not be a problem since you can swap the 2 types of receiver out and learn one frequency at a time.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 17, 2016, 06:41:31 AM
James, I can send you a 433 rf for your testings, in case you need it.

I there any chance to have the sketch source code to do some custom modifications ?

I think i can modify it to have one 315 mhz attached to one pin, and the 433 mhz attached to other
pin, and select what pin i want to use over a software instructions.

the pros and cons (from my point of view) of using 433 and 315 are:

Pros: very cheap, you can get 5 outlets rf controlled for around 30 dolars
cons: the is no way ( as far i know) to know the state of the outlet (not known is it is on or off)

For me, the best scenario is to use the ESP8266 (version 1) it is cheap, but you have to
deal with the power supply, and the relay stuff, but you gain full control of it (known the state of
the switch, schedule, attach sensor for light, presence, you can control it over internet, all in the
esp8266 itself, and can be controlled from the voxcommando)

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 17, 2016, 08:28:02 AM
Hi mexicanto,

we have already a second pin or better a socket on the PCB availabe (designed for a PIR) - so maybe it is possible to use both transmitters in this way.

At the moment we do not plan to make the sketch open source.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 17, 2016, 08:54:48 AM
Thanks, I already have a 433mhz chip for sending but I don't have any devices to control that work on that frequency.

It would need testing but as I previously stated, we may not need a second pin for sending. It might be possible to send on both frequencies simultaneously with the same pin.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 17, 2016, 10:36:34 PM
Hey James, I have this:
but I dont really need all five, so I can send you two outlets and one remote control for your testings.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Dave on February 18, 2016, 01:44:19 AM
Hi mexicanto, I'm not sure if Kalle mentioned it in the description of the BEAM, but there are basically two types of RF-Remotes/Outlets. The "old" ones, where you can choose the code via dip-switch or similar, and the "new" ones (like yours), where the outlets learn the codes from the remote. Currently it is probably not possible to learn codes or generate events from "new" remotes. But it is possible to let the "new" outlets learn a code from the BEAM. So you can use them with BEAM, but you can't use them with BEAM and the remote at the same time.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 18, 2016, 12:00:22 PM

To people who live in Russia and are interested in becoming beta testers.  We are not willing to ship to Russia at this time because of the difficulty with Russian import customs at the border.  Since we only have a very limited number of prototypes available to ship, we want to make sure that they all get out to beta testers that can start providing us with feedback as soon as possible.  I know it's not fair and I'm sorry about that but it's beyond our control at this point.  Here is just one page that discusses the problem.  It may be a problem in other countries as well and at the moment our intention is to ship only to certain countries in Europe and North America. (We may re-evaluate this on a case by case basis.)


Regardless, our first round of devices that we can ship includes only 6 devices and one of them is for me  ^-^.  If you have not heard from me yet about becoming a beta tester then you can expect to hear from me when we are ready to prepare our second batch of (hopefully) 8 more units.

Thanks to everyone for their support and understanding.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 18, 2016, 12:59:29 PM
A worker bee at Kalle-Labs, Germany.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: nime5ter on February 18, 2016, 01:10:49 PM

Kalle, I am impressed by your sitting posture. Such a straight spine, even when you're looking down!

James usually looks more like this ...    :P

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 18, 2016, 01:35:42 PM
that looks how I feel too...  :'(
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 18, 2016, 01:54:14 PM
 :biglaugh ::wiggle
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 18, 2016, 02:21:59 PM
Hey James, I have this:
but I dont really need all five, so I can send you two outlets and one remote control for your testings.

Wow.  Thanks Mexicanto.  I did not even know that they made 433Mhz devices for the North American market.  It's great to know aobut this. 

Thanks also for the generous offer but I found these on Amazon.ca and I just ordered some.  I don't need 5 either but I think it will be faster and by the time you pay to ship yours to me, with the possibility of extra charges for me at the border, it is just simpler this way.  I really appreciate your offer though! :D
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 20, 2016, 06:08:07 PM
Hi mexicanto, I'm not sure if Kalle mentioned it in the description of the BEAM, but there are basically two types of RF-Remotes/Outlets. The "old" ones, where you can choose the code via dip-switch or similar, and the "new" ones (like yours), where the outlets learn the codes from the remote. Currently it is probably not possible to learn codes or generate events from "new" remotes. But it is possible to let the "new" outlets learn a code from the BEAM. So you can use them with BEAM, but you can't use them with BEAM and the remote at the same time.

Thank you Dave, as soon as I have my BEAM, I will share my experiences.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 20, 2016, 06:11:03 PM
A worker bee at Kalle-Labs, Germany.

I think one of these is all mine !!!  >:D

I don't know about Kalle, but for me, soldering is therapeutic and relaxing, I can spend hours doing it.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 20, 2016, 06:12:41 PM
Wow.  Thanks Mexicanto.  I did not even know that they made 433Mhz devices for the North American market.  It's great to know aobut this. 

Thanks also for the generous offer but I found these on Amazon.ca and I just ordered some.  I don't need 5 either but I think it will be faster and by the time you pay to ship yours to me, with the possibility of extra charges for me at the border, it is just simpler this way.  I really appreciate your offer though! :D

You are very welcome James,
Also, you can check if amazon.ca have this too:

I have a bunch of those, and also the 315Mhz version in case someone in north america need it.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 20, 2016, 06:56:59 PM
Hi Mexicanto,

Yes it can, but for 0805 SMDs and sot23 parts it can be a pain  ;)
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 20, 2016, 07:10:33 PM
We have not been getting very good reception receiving Rf signals (poor range) with the super regenerative chips, especially when the RGB lights are illuminated.  We've got some super heterodyne chips on order and are hoping that they will work better.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Foggy on February 22, 2016, 02:08:29 PM
Hi Kalle & James.

Just thought I would let you know that I got my Beam today.

Connecting it to my network was a breeze using my iPad. Good job. Well done.

Thought that I had better wait till I got more instructions before I do anything else.

Best wishes.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 22, 2016, 02:34:45 PM
Hi James,

sounds great and it looks like shipping to Great Britain is very fast. You can ask now what you want to know.  :)
It would be nice you can play with the IR/RF learn function on the UI-Learnpage.

If you want to let your BEAM light up in a color, type following in your browser: yourblasterIP/rgb/solid?r=0&g=0&b=100 to let the BEAM light up in blue. r=red, g=green, b=blue (you can use value from 0-255 for each color). If you learn RF or use RF events, set the RGB to off with yourblasterIP/rgb/solid?r=0&g=0&b=0 .
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 22, 2016, 03:16:25 PM
Wow.  That was fast.  I thought we had more time!

Today I just started to put together the first draft of the official documentation (English).  There is quite a bit of info in there but there is still a lot to do.  Have a look anyway.  Try not to be too confused by the formatting of the document which is still in flux. :)


If you want to do a hangout at some point to chat and ask questions just let us know by PM and we'll set something up.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Foggy on February 22, 2016, 03:43:58 PM
Thank you both.

Tried the IR learn & send. This works very well.
Tried the RF version and it seems a bit picky and I had to try a few times before it would recognise anything. However once it did. It worked.

First impressions are that this better than my USB-UIRT. It maybe the funky lights though.  :)

Thank you James. I'll spend some time reading it before I ask any questions.

Best wishes.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 26, 2016, 12:59:20 AM
Just to inform you, I got mine today !

Thank you

p.s. My BEAM came without the base, can you upload the .stl file to 3-d print mine ?
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 26, 2016, 02:17:59 AM
Hi Mexicanto,

wow, that was also fast and thanks for the info.

The Sphere has normaly no base - the base which you have seen was any 3D print which was lying around on my desk.

If you have a 3D printer, you need only to print a small ring (40mm diameter, height 10mm) or a other trick:
Put a piece of baking paper on a electric iron, set the iron to the lowest temperature and press the plastic sphere with the bottom on the iron to make it a bit flat for your needs - in this way it is no base needed.

The next batch of spheres will have the flat bottom.


Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 26, 2016, 03:24:02 AM
Thanks Kalle,

You send me 2 translucent plastic rings, i will probably use one as a support/base

thanks again

another note:
the spheres came with a little piece of the edge broken in two different parts (not a big issue, i can glue it back), on the 3.5 mm plug in, the red came not soldered, and the black cable was somehow de-attached from the conncetor to he green block (not a big issue either), anyway, what is the purpose of this connector ?

This is just for the future shipments for customers. For me, not problem at all, i am pretty sure all this was caused in the transit process from the postal service.

thanks again
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 26, 2016, 04:20:25 AM
Hi Daniel,

sorry if it is anything broken.
The connector is for an external IR Emitter (+ is the middle tip). The black cable goes to the green screw terminal minus (lettered on the PCB behind the green block) and the red cable goes to plus.
Yes it is a long shipping way and the packet is so small - easy to throw around or to put heavy things at the top by shipping  :o

For the next Sphere batch, I have a other solution to wrap it - but thanks for the info. Which part of the sphere is broken? Bottom or top? I can send you a new case if needed.

Yes the translucent acryl ring is to fit the Beam Sphere in, but I don't know why I put two of them in your package  :bonk

Again, sorry for the trouble
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 26, 2016, 08:02:20 AM
Mexicanto. Can you please send us photos? I think it will help us to understand better and plan to do a better assembly and/ or packing job in the future.

I use a half used roll of black or white electrical tape as a stand for mine.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 26, 2016, 08:56:13 AM
Here are the photos, as I said, is not a big deal for me.  ;)
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 26, 2016, 09:40:41 AM
Hi Daniel,

I'm sure the second acrylic ring is the part from around the RGB-LEDs.  ::yikes 
Anyway, I will send you a new housing  ;)
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 26, 2016, 10:00:50 AM
It's Alive !!! It's Alive !!!

Thanks Kalle, but I don't think I will need a new housing, most probably I will play with the internal components
pretty often.

As you can see, I used the second ring as a base for BB-8 (that's the name I put it)

One recommendation as a beta tester, you can use a hot glue gun to attach the led to the holes, also, I used
a sand paper to sand the + terminal on the 3.5 connector, in that way, the solder sticks pretty good.

I will keep you informed on my experiences.

Thanks again James, Kalle, Dave, Nime and the whole team.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 26, 2016, 11:03:22 AM
Thanks Daniel,

yes correct, it was not easy to solder the 3.5 connector - good idea with the sand paper  :bignod

If you mean the IR leds? The intention was to use no glue for the beta testers and in the next sphere will the IR LED also fit in a screw terminal on the PCB.

your sphere is in the photo upside down ;-)

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 26, 2016, 11:12:55 AM
We wanted to make it as easy as possible to replace the IR leds so that users could try different types of emitters or in case they got burned out from too much current, since we don't have enough field testing to know if we are driving them in a way that will be safe over a long period of regular usage.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 26, 2016, 11:19:07 AM
You send me 2 translucent plastic rings, i will probably use one as a support/base

For the sake of clarity:

The first ring goes around the RGB lights and is intended to diffuse the light so that you do not see bright spots of light on the sphere's exterior.

Kalle also sent every beta tester an extra ring to use as a base, if they wish.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on February 26, 2016, 11:22:05 AM
By the way Mexicanto, was the package that the sphere came in crushed or otherwise visibly damaged?  I'm just wondering if we need to worry more about using a stronger box, or more about padding the sphere better inside the box to avoid it bouncing around.

A stronger box is an easy solution but will add weight which would probably add to shipping costs.

Better padding is something we are already working on.  We want to do it in an environmentally friendly way though.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mexicanto on February 26, 2016, 11:43:41 AM
Hi James,

Not visible damage outside, but who knows what kind of stress that box suffer over a mid-world travel

I attached a picture of the box

your sphere is in the photo upside down ;-)

 :biglaugh I put it on the right side, but I like it more upside down, because it remembers me BB-8
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mr.niki on February 26, 2016, 12:05:44 PM
if you conceive a large-scale output
I can help with the production of
from issuance of printed circuit boards
to the final product

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Junhglebeast on February 26, 2016, 11:59:37 PM
I am very interested in this as well :D
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Junhglebeast on February 29, 2016, 10:37:23 PM
how long  for the next bach? ???
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on February 29, 2016, 10:54:36 PM
Hi Junghlebeast,

the parts are still on the way and we did not exactly know when it will arrive. It is possible that the next batch of blasters is available in the middle or end of march and we will inform you when the blaster is ready to ship.
You are definitely on our list for the next batch.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Haddood on March 03, 2016, 10:24:23 PM
It is here ! It is here !
Arrived without any damage ...
Did not have the time yo do lots of testing ... So far created a command that changes the LED color to reflect VC status (did not check the tutorial and sample XML yet, if the command is not there will post it in XML sharing)
First feedback: I was not able to use DHCP ... Tried more than 5 times, simply beam starts with it is own wifi hotspot... With fixed IP works great ... (Maybe you guys should create a separate thread for feedback)
Will do tests and give feedback
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on March 04, 2016, 06:23:02 AM
Hi Haddood, nice to hear nothing is damaged  :)

You can take a look here for the first start: http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=IR/RF_Device#Tutorial_and_sample_commands (http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=IR/RF_Device#Tutorial_and_sample_commands)

So far I know, your a still invited in our beta tester chat at google for feedback.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: rio14 on March 12, 2016, 04:38:41 PM
please when you open selling beam for the public let us know, thank you
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: DexDeadly on April 18, 2016, 12:10:03 AM
Hello, if you are still looking for Beta testers I would be very very interested in becoming a tester.  This is actually something I was looking at doing with a group of friends but if this already created I'd love to support great work!
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on April 18, 2016, 01:33:15 AM
Hi DexDeadly, you are now on the list  8)

You will get next 24 hours an E-Mail with instructions for further steps.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jmpal32 on April 20, 2016, 12:36:21 AM
Are you still looking for beta tester if so I would be very interested also what a neat device.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: carlh1 on April 21, 2016, 10:25:45 AM
I am also interested in helping with the Beta test. Live in the U.S. How do I proceed?
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Papa1618 on April 23, 2016, 12:56:27 PM
Hallo Kalle,  falls ihr noch beta Tester sucht sag mir Bescheid. Spiele seit einiger Zeit mit dem ir transciever in meiner cubox aber es ist bis jetzt eher mühsam. Daher wäre ein stand alone Gerät echt eine super Sache.

Danke und grüße aus Berlin.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on April 23, 2016, 06:10:20 PM
Hi Papa1618, sorry die letzten Geräte für die Betatester sind nun alle ausverkauft.
Du kannst aber gerne eine BEAM-Sphere erwerben. Schreibe mir einfach eine PM Nachricht.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on April 23, 2016, 06:34:38 PM
Please note that Kalle has updated the first post in this thread.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on April 23, 2016, 07:14:20 PM
Some new developments:

The Beam can now learn raw IR and RF codes.  I could be wrong but as far as I know the Beam is currently the only device in existence that can learn and send raw RF codes.  There is now a Beam plugin for VoxCommando that allows us to learn raw IR and RF codes.

Another new feature is that the Beam can understand compressed IR and RF codes.  The Beam plugin automatically generates compressed codes when learning.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: rock73 on May 23, 2016, 10:44:19 PM
How do I go about ordering one of these 433 Mhz  and how long does it take to receive in the U.S.? Thanks
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on May 23, 2016, 11:29:55 PM
Hi rock73, I will send you further information per PM.

The shipping to US takes between 5 and 21 days.

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: rio14 on May 26, 2016, 09:22:09 PM
hi kalle
i want to order a beam 433mhz shipping to Montreal Canada ready to send you payment via paypal.
thank you
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jmpal32 on July 31, 2016, 01:30:49 AM
I would like to order 3 of the beam spheres.
I would also pay via paypal as soon as you are ready.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on July 31, 2016, 09:44:07 AM
It is up to Kalle but I believe our policy is still just one sphere per customer.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on July 31, 2016, 01:02:39 PM
I would like to order 3 of the beam spheres.
I would also pay via paypal as soon as you are ready.

Hi jmpal32,

as James said, only one BEAM per customer, because we have only a small amount of BEAMs in stock and will give other users a chance to buy one.
If we have later some left over, I will let you know when you can buy more BEAMs.
So if you want to order a BEAM, send me your details -- shipping address and the RF frequency (315/433MHz) you need -- by PM.

Thanks for your understanding,
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: NightSpeed on July 31, 2016, 03:04:23 PM
I would also like one but I definitely can wait if you would like to fill the other orders guaranteed they do more with it then I can.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on July 31, 2016, 03:35:47 PM
Hi NightSpeed,

no problem, you can buy one BEAM  8)

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: paulv on August 09, 2016, 04:15:20 PM
i would like to order one as well.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on August 09, 2016, 05:39:22 PM
Hi Paul,

you got a message  ;)

Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mr.niki on September 04, 2016, 04:55:23 PM
is it possible to order the BEAM delivery in Russia
And if so, how many all together with the shipment will cost
and how to pay
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on September 04, 2016, 05:16:40 PM
Yes, I think it is now possible - the BEAM will cost 50 EUR include shipping with one set of RF (433 or 315MHz).

You can pay it only per Paypal with this link: https://www.paypal.me/kalleVC/50
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on September 05, 2016, 08:19:35 AM
Mr. Niki, you must take the risk. It is not our fault if it takes a very long time to arrive, or does not arrive at all because of Russian customs or mail problems.  We can't give you a refund if this happens.
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: mr.niki on September 05, 2016, 05:02:16 PM
я понимаю все риски  !!!  и готов к ним .   Подскажите как узнать какая  частота нужна 433 or 315MHz ?
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: Kalle on September 05, 2016, 06:04:37 PM
Hi mr.niki,

the frequencies for RF is mostly in Europe 433MHz, so I think also in Russia.
If you have a RF device - maybe a power socket, take a look at the back of the device if there is something written on like 433MHz.

Here is a example: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Baldr-EU-Plug-Smart-Wireless-RF-Remote-Control-Household-Appliance-Electrical-Outlet-Light-Switch-Kit-AC/32712138478.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.145.cZHnF6&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_7,searchweb201602_2_10057_10065_10056_10055_10054_10069_10059_10058_10017_10070_10060_10061_10052_10062_10053_10050_10051,searchweb201603_7&btsid=42fc6a6a-4da8-413a-a2d3-fe99685bdd9a
Title: Re: BEAM prototype. Request to be a beta tester here.
Post by: jitterjames on September 24, 2016, 01:48:41 PM
Do you ship to Germany or UK

Yes we can ship to Germany or the UK.

Also will you implement MICS in the Future. I can definitely wait for that

No. We have no plans at the moment to add microphones to the Beam.  It is highly unlikely that this will be added in the future, but if it were it would really be a completely different product since the processing power of the Beam is much too limited for such an application.