
General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Simeon Tuitt on July 07, 2015, 11:26:16 PM

Title: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 07, 2015, 11:26:16 PM
Hi Guys,

I need some help setting the speech output for vox, I tried it on the standard version and the SP version and no joy, I want to switch vox audio output so if I am using my smart watch or Bluetooth headset, rather than listening to the watch or Bluetooth speaker I can say talk through the TV or other speaker device.

I have a payload list that was created in standard version with the different audio names and I have added phrases separated by commas for different names for the devices, although tried just single names by themselves and that doesn't work either.

I have added commands to say talk through the PAYLOAD NAME so it will select the relevant one from the payload list, although I have tried creating just the commands by themselves using ACTION: AudioEndpoint.SetByName followed by name of output device and still the audio doesn't switch from my TV to the named device.

Any tips on getting the audio output set so I can say set audio name and have it set voxs audio output or can I see your audio output command if you have it working and I should be able to workout whats going on with mine from it.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Sim  8)
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Kalle on July 08, 2015, 05:06:25 AM
Hi Simeon, what did the VC history window show when you tried it?
I've tried it and it works.
Are you sure you use the correct device name?
Use the action "AudioEndpoint.GetList" followed by "OSD.ShowText" to get the right device names (use not the names in the brackets).
Get also sure you have set in VC Options Menu -> Windows Settings -> Speech to Text -> advanced: Use preferred audio output device

here is the command (you must change the audiodevice names to your needs in the payload list)

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<command id="310" name="set audio output" enabled="true" alwaysOn="False" confirm="False" requiredConfidence="0" loop="False" loopDelay="0" loopMax="0" description="">
      <param>output changed to {1}</param>
  <phrase>talk through</phrase>
  <payloadList>audiodevice1, audiodevice2, audiodevice3</payloadList>
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: jitterjames on July 08, 2015, 09:24:34 AM

I have a payload list that was created in standard version with the different audio names and I have added phrases separated by commas for different names for the devices, although tried just single names by themselves and that doesn't work either.

You really must post your XML to show us what you are doing.  Most likely you are doing something wrong, but it's difficult for us to identify exactly what you are doing wrong based on a description.  Much easier (for everyone) just to send us XML for the command you made.

http://voxcommando.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Getting_support (specifically see: "When You Ask")
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 08, 2015, 09:50:14 AM
Hi Guys, here is the XML, I didn't create it its the default one that came with this version of vox, it isn't giving me any device names when clicking run command 'get devices by matches' and when I created the xml in standard it automatically gave a payload list with device names but in the new one when I create a new payload list it is completely empty with nothing in, so had to move over the payload list from the standard version.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Kalle on July 08, 2015, 10:23:52 AM
I tried the group and everything works.

Did you enabled the Audioendpoint plugin in VC Options->Plugin tab?
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: jitterjames on July 08, 2015, 10:30:58 AM
If you just want to change which output the TTS is delivered on, the correct action to use is TTS.SetOutput, not the AudioEndpoint plugin !
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 08, 2015, 02:17:22 PM
Thanks both of you.  8) Hi @Kalle, yes that plugin was enabled but I went through lots of different tests and variations and checked the wiki because the current commands should of worked for me as they did you, so maybe it is down to my version of windows, using windows 8.1 on a MINIX.

The Jedi master James has sorted it though, changing the Audio endpoint code that was already included in the ACTIONS to the TTS output has fixed the issue perfectly. I just shot a video to show it in action on a bluetooth smart watch, these things are great as you can see as a means of issuing commands to vox and it is only a £14 ($20) smart watch, so you could grab a few for the family.  8)

What would I need to do to get dual TTS output, so to two or more different devices, I would like to have the Bluetooth speaker in the kitchen also get the output.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: jitterjames on July 08, 2015, 03:23:31 PM
You've mentioned this $20 watch before.  It looks like an interesting option...

Could you please post a link or some other information for the specific model that you are using.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: keithj69 on July 08, 2015, 03:52:45 PM
Yes, please give us more info on the smart watch. I am in the market for one to do exactly what you are doing.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 08, 2015, 04:07:11 PM
Hi James and Keith, yeah the watch is the U8 Bluetooth Smart Watch, I got mine from this seller but you could grab one from anywhere, just search for the cheapest seller.


Basically any Bluetooth smart watch should work though as long as it has a speaker and microphone, they are all designed to be paired to a mobile and answer the mobile with a hands free speaker. So when you scan with your computers Bluetooth it pics up the smart watch and shows it has a mic and speaker, so you can use it for audio input into vox.

I needed the TTS audio output because if you try and output the system audio through the watch it sends it ino a crazy loop as the mic hears itself when you speak, with the TTS output through it, both mic and speaker can be used.

I just ordered another Bluetooth watch on Monday that is a different make, it was only £10 ($15), but has a mic and speaker built in also, so going to see what this is like for a microphone.

Here is that model, but I will update you guys on what it is like after I have played around with it, hopefully arrive tomos.


They all have a 10 meter or full room range, although I can leave front room and go to the kitchen, but as a device to control the front room it's cool, if your Bluetooth auto reconnects when returning within range of pc you won't even notice the disconnection.  8)

The watch in video above, battery lasts a good two days on standby, got mine last Friday and didn't need to charge it until sometime Sunday after playing with it.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: keithj69 on July 08, 2015, 04:32:18 PM
Thank you for the link.  Just ordered one.  The price is right at $19.75. 
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 09, 2015, 01:03:06 PM
You're welcome keith, let us know how you get on when you have yours linked up.  8)
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Foggy on July 13, 2015, 01:40:48 PM
Hi All,

Just recv'd my U8. The instructions appear to tell me that I need to download some Bluetooth software from the Play store. Both links I have in the instructions do not go anywhere. Can any one give me a proper link?

Best wishes.

Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 13, 2015, 02:04:50 PM
Hi Foggy, you do not need any of the apps to use the U8 as a Bluetooth mic from your comp because it comes with Bluetooth and pairing built in, the apps mentioned in the instructions are just in case you want to use any of the other features like sleep monitor and the fitness stuff.

You can find the apps on play by putting in their name to play search, I've not installed it myself as I am only using my watch to link to the computers for voice control. Go to Bluetooth settings on your computer and scan and it will find your smart watch or go to the Bluetooth section of your U8 and scan for your computer when in discoverable mode and pair them both.

Drop us an update and let us know how you get on, be sure to set the watch as recording device or mic input in vox to use it.  8)

If my post came through more than once it is because my internet connection has been hanging all day and said it wasn't sent, had to reboot the comp and was just about to post a reply but see it is already here.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 13, 2015, 03:40:20 PM
Hi Guys, is there a way to set multiple TTS output devices, so I have two smart watches now and a Bluetooth speaker with mic in the kitchen, I would like to be able to set the TTS output from vox to go through all of them so I can hear on all devices.

Otherwise if I say TALK THROUGH THE WATCH and take speech output away from the TV, anyone else left in the room can't hear vox, so need to work out how to get the TTS output coming through multiple devices simultaneously.

I have tried all devices separated by commas in the payload list as the value but that's not worked for sending audio through all of that payload with an activation phrase. So any suggestions I can test appreciated.

Sim  8)
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Haddood on July 14, 2015, 07:17:38 PM
Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP

just trying to figure how this question is related to open-air mic forum  :bonk :bonk :bonk !!!
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Simeon Tuitt on July 15, 2015, 12:03:27 AM
just trying to figure how this question is related to open-air mic forum  :bonk :bonk :bonk !!!

@Haddood That creative thinking process would be better spent on a solution to the question if it isn't immediately obvious how multiple TTS output is related to open air mics.

Unless you want to guess whether vox has heard you through an open air mic system you will need auditory feedback from the system. Imagine you have mics in all rooms, you have been sat in front of your comp with vox running and told it to stop listening, you've gone to the kitchen and forgot it isn't in listening mode.

You are issuing your commands and reminders like remember to buy milk, lights on, microwave start and nothing is happening, you then have to go back to your room with vox running because you have no auditory feedback.


Now here's a situation from Today which I will be using to build a group for calling emergency services with Skype for fire, ambulance and police emergencies.

Today I was working on some home automation in the front room when I noticed flames over the fence in my neighbors garden, I thought she may be burning something and looked to make sure because it looked close to her fence.


It turns out her fence was on fire, now I opened the patio doors and yelled her because her windows always open, to get her attention, she never replied so I ran around.

If I had the group set up already for calling emergency services with Skype, then I could of said CALL FIRE SERVICE FOR 76 at which point Skype would of been dialled on the comp.

Since Skype syncs on multiple devices like my mobile I could of then taken the call after someone answered and let them know about the fire or the computer could of stated the emergency and hung up.


Since the TTS output was coming through the TV that is no use to me while I am running around to knock on my neighbors door, that is where multiple simultaneous TTS output would serve well, since my watch I wear all the time now for voice control would of let me know the emergency services were dialled or when connected.

The Bluetooth mic/speaker in the garden on the table would also receive the TTS output and kept me in the loop as to whether my call had been made or answered.


As soon as I had ran around my neighbors and made sure she knew and a fire engine was called, I ran straight back to mine, grabbed my garden hose, turned it on and jumped the fence to help her son fight the flames, below is her son fighting the flames before I got there and before the trees all went up and the rest of the fence.


If I only have one TTS in operation it is a huge limitation for an open air mic system. Now since Todays events have brought up the issue of home safety and sensors, I will be integrating a smoke alert / fire alert system, I will need TTS output for that, but I will need TTS again for multiple rooms.

So the bedroom wireless mics and speakers get the audio output of any issues and the same for my home alarm system where I want to issue audio output from TTS, I need it to go through the front room, passage, kitchen, back room speakers etc.

So quit :bonk yourself with that and get the thinking cap on to crack this multiple TTS output.  8) For anyone who wondered, I am okay although I did have a few hot leaves and branch ambers drop on me while trying to put out the flames  since I was stood directly under the burning tree in a vest with the hose.


Believe me if I find the parts to turn on a tap by radio control I will be setting up an outside fire suppression system to put the sheds out if they ever catch fire from a similar situation, they were almost gonners, look at the ashe on the umbrella above.

The sheds are next to the fence so if the fire had reached my garden it would of took them out and then the house.
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: Haddood on July 21, 2015, 02:43:40 AM
the issue is with multiple Bluetooth ... if you had normal speakers ... multiple sound cards ... voice meeter can do the trick ... or even send the output, change device send again ...etc. till you loop through all of them ... unless you find a Bluetooth bridge that can connect to multiple outputs ..it is gonna be a real  :bonk :bonk

in my case, I have wired solution using XAP800 ... and that allows me to know from which mic the command is coming ...and direct the output to that place ...

maybe that can solve your issue ... a hardware mixer connected to multiple Bluetooth streamers, each connected to a device (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wireless-Bluetooth-A2DP-3-5mm-Stereo-Music-HiFi-Audio-Dongle-Adapter-Transmitter-/400949441748) or multiple sounde cards connected each connected to one of those ... and voice meeter or VAC

as for the water thing ... there are expensive building sprinklers solutions, or less expensive garden irrigation systems that can be modified  >:D ... it would be super cool if VC starts putting off fire !!!

I hope nobody got hurt in that fire

and multiple tts output has nothing to do with open-air mic ... as you can have one mic ... and multiple speakers ... or have multiple mics that are not open-air, where you have to walk to the wall and press a button and speak  :P
Title: Re: Help Needed To Set Audio Output It Doesn't Seem To Work For Me On VC SP
Post by: jitterjames on July 21, 2015, 06:31:30 PM
If you can pair multiple Bluetooth devices to your PC simultaneously then voicemeeter should work.