Help and Support (Using VoxCommando) => Python Scripting => Topic started by: Soda97 on January 11, 2015, 01:39:05 PM
There's a python script for Nest Thermostat here (https://github.com/smbaker/pynest/blob/master/nest.py) and I'm not sure can it adapt with Voxcommando.
I run the Python script in windows like this, python nest.py --user user email --password password curtemp
And I get something like 60.
Can I get this same value with the script in VoxCommando?
Sorry I dont know much about coding.
If you can actually do that on the Windows command line then yes you can adapt this to VC using the Launch.Capture action.
We have tried to adapt this python code to the VC python plugin but for some reason this code is not compatible with iron python. One theory is that iron python has trouble with https (secure) web pages.
We are currently working on a solution using only VC actions (scrape, regex, maps etc.) and we are making excellent progress, so just hang on for a few days and we should have something that you can use to query or set the temperature, home/away mode, and fan mode. :D
The solution also involves some updates to the main VC program so it will be necessary to install the latest VC version when we release it.
Keep an eye on our twitter feed, or Google plus community to know when the new version is available.
Excellent! Thank you all for the great work! Can't wait to see what you guys can do!
If you can actually do that on the Windows command line then yes you can adapt this to VC using the Launch.Capture action.
We have tried to adapt this python code to the VC python plugin but for some reason this code is not compatible with iron python. One theory is that iron python has trouble with https (secure) web pages.
We are currently working on a solution using only VC actions (scrape, regex, maps etc.) and we are making excellent progress, so just hang on for a few days and we should have something that you can use to query or set the temperature, home/away mode, and fan mode. :D
The solution also involves some updates to the main VC program so it will be necessary to install the latest VC version when we release it.
Keep an eye on our twitter feed, or Google plus community to know when the new version is available.
Great news ... I hope it will include support for nest protect 8) 8) (on side topic nest bought revolv which was a hub supporting most of the common protocols Zigbee,z-wav...etc. so it seems big change to home automation is coming )
at some point I was working to create a python to read nest info ...
here is my progress if it will give any help (code written in pythonista, but I think it will run in VC PY)
I was trying to understand the data structure ... I am not sure if there is way to receive a notification from nest in VC
import urllib
import urllib2
import sys
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
print "No json library available. I recommend installing either python-json"
print "or simpejson."
class Nest:
def __init__(self, username, password, serial=None, index=0, units="C"):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.serial = serial
self.units = units
self.index = index
def loads(self, res):
if hasattr(json, "loads"):
res = json.loads(res)
res = json.read(res)
return res
def login(self):
data = urllib.urlencode({"username": self.username, "password": self.password})
req = urllib2.Request("https://home.nest.com/user/login",
{"user-agent":"Nest/ CFNetwork/548.0.4"})
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
res = self.loads(res)
self.transport_url = res["urls"]["transport_url"]
self.access_token = res["access_token"]
self.userid = res["userid"]
## print 'login succeeded'
def get_status(self):
req = urllib2.Request(self.transport_url + "/v2/mobile/user." + self.userid,
headers={"user-agent":"Nest/ CFNetwork/548.0.4",
"Authorization":"Basic " + self.access_token,
"X-nl-user-id": self.userid,
"X-nl-protocol-version": "1"})
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
## print res
res = self.loads(res)
print res
print '-------------------- root keys -------------------------'
print res.keys()
self.user_alert_dialog_id = res["user_alert_dialog"].keys()[0]
self.user_alert_dialog_id_version = res["user_alert_dialog"][self.user_alert_dialog_id]['$version']
self.user_alert_dialog_id_timestamp = res["user_alert_dialog"][self.user_alert_dialog_id]['$timestamp']
print 'user_alert_dialog: keys ', res["user_alert_dialog"].keys()
print self.user_alert_dialog_id,': keys ',res["user_alert_dialog"][self.user_alert_dialog_id].keys()
print 'version: ', self.user_alert_dialog_id_version,', timestamp: ', self.user_alert_dialog_id_timestamp
self.user_settings_id = res["user_settings"].keys()[0]
##self.user_settings_version = res["user_settings"][self.user_settings_id]['$version']
##self.user_settings_timestamp = res["user_settings"][self.user_settings_id]['$timestamp']
print 'user_settings: keys ',res["user_settings"].keys()
print self.user_settings_id,': keys ',res["user_settings"][self.user_settings_id].keys()
##print 'version: ' + str (self.user_settings_version), 'timestamp: ' + str (self.user_settings_timestamp)
self.user_id = res["user"].keys()[0]
self.user_id_structure_memberships = res["user"][self.user_id]['structure_memberships']
self.user_id_name = res["user"][self.user_id]['name']
self.user_id_version = res["user"][self.user_id]['$version']
self.user_id_structures = res["user"][self.user_id]['structures']
##self.user_settings_timestamp = res["user_settings"][self.user_settings_id]['$timestamp']
print 'user: keys ', res["user"].keys()
print self.user_id,': keys ',res["user"][self.user_id].keys()
print 'struc memb: ', self.user_id_structure_memberships
print 'name: ', self.user_id_name
print 'version: ', self.user_id_version
print 'structures: ', self.user_id_structures
self.widget_track_id = res["widget_track"].keys()[0]
self.widget_track_id_version = res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id]['$version']
self.widget_track_id_last_ip = res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id]['last_ip']
self.widget_track_id_last_connection = res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id]['last_connection']
self.widget_track_id_timestamp = res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id]['$timestamp']
self.widget_track_id_online = res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id]['online']
print 'widget_track: keys ', res["widget_track"].keys()
print 'widget_track_id: keys ', res["widget_track"][self.widget_track_id].keys()
print 'version: ', self.widget_track_id_version,', last ip: ', self.widget_track_id_last_ip, ' last connection: ', self.widget_track_id_last_connection, ' timestamp: ', self.widget_track_id_timestamp
print 'online: ', self.widget_track_id_online
self.message_center_id = res["message_center"].keys()[0]
print 'message center: keys ', self.message_center_id
print res["message_center"][self.message_center_id].keys()
messages = res["message_center"][self.message_center_id]["messages"]
print 'there are '+ str(len(messages) )
print 'first message: ', messages[0]
self.structure_id = res["structure"].keys()[0]
print 'structure: ' + self.structure_id
print res["structure"][self.structure_id].keys()
print res["structure"][self.structure_id]["measurement_scale"][0]
self.occupancy_id = res["occupancy"].keys()[0]
print 'occupancy: ' + self.occupancy_id
print res["occupancy"][self.occupancy_id].keys()
##print ' '+ res["occupancy"][self.occupancy_id]["occupancy"][0]
self.topaz_id = res["topaz"].keys()[0]
print 'topaz: ' + self.topaz_id
print res["topaz"][self.topaz_id].keys()
##self.topaz_smoke_status = res["topaz"].keys()[3]
##self.topaz_smoke_status = res["topaz"].keys()[]
self.utility_id = res["utility"].keys()[0]
print 'utility: ' + self.utility_id
print res["utility"][self.utility_id].keys()
## if (self.serial is None):
## self.device_id = res["structure"][self.structure_id]["devices"][self.index]
## self.serial = self.device_id.split(".")[1]
## self.status = res
def temp_in(self, temp):
if (self.units == "F"):
return (temp - 32.0) / 1.8
return temp
def temp_out(self, temp):
if (self.units == "F"):
return temp*1.8 + 32.0
return temp
def show_status(self):
shared = self.status["shared"][self.serial]
device = self.status["device"][self.serial]
allvars = shared
for k in sorted(allvars.keys()):
print k + "."*(32-len(k)) + ":", allvars[k]
def show_curtemp(self):
temp = self.status["shared"][self.serial]["current_temperature"]
temp = self.temp_out(temp)
print "%0.1f" % temp
def set_temperature(self, temp):
temp = self.temp_in(temp)
data = '{"target_change_pending":true,"target_temperature":' + '%0.1f' % temp + '}'
req = urllib2.Request(self.transport_url + "/v2/put/shared." + self.serial,
{"user-agent":"Nest/ CFNetwork/548.0.4",
"Authorization":"Basic " + self.access_token,
"X-nl-protocol-version": "1"})
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
print res
def set_fan(self, state):
data = '{"fan_mode":"' + str(state) + '"}'
req = urllib2.Request(self.transport_url + "/v2/put/device." + self.serial,
{"user-agent":"Nest/ CFNetwork/548.0.4",
"Authorization":"Basic " + self.access_token,
"X-nl-protocol-version": "1"})
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
print res
n = Nest('em@il', 'password')
Right. I think you originally linked to that Python code when you first asked about Nest integration, no?
Simon whatever-his-nameis's Python code works fine in a native Python environment. We've had no problems getting his queries to work. The problem is integrating it into IronPython so that VC can actively interact with it.
I think you'll find that problematic. At least, I did. When you try to use that code in IronPython you'll find that Nest closes the connection on you.
But all he's doing is sending post and get requests to the Nest using Python. As you know, we can already do that in VC. So that's the solution we've gone with. It works fine.
... Getting Nest to independently send notifications to VC is a different animal. Maybe if they have an email alert system or some kind of push notification that could be used. Buddy's Python script doesn't address anything like that -- it's all query-based.
Actually, you could use IFTTT to send Nest notifications to VC: https://ifttt.com/p/nest/shared
on side topic nest bought revolv which was a hub supporting most of the common protocols Zigbee,z-wav...etc. so it seems big change to home automation is coming )
It seems that every month there are 4 or 5 new products released for controlling your home based on Z-wave or Zigbee. The month when no new devices are released THAT will be a big change. Based on what I've seen of Nest's api and data structure, I would steer clear of any of their new home automation offerings for the time being.
Right. I think you originally linked to that Python code when you first asked about Nest integration, no?
Simon whatever-his-nameis's Python code works fine in a native Python environment. We've had no problems getting his queries to work. The problem is integrating it into IronPython so that VC can actively interact with it.
I think you'll find that problematic. At least, I did. When you try to use that code in IronPython you'll find that Nest closes the connection on you.
But all he's doing is sending post and get requests to the Nest using Python. As you know, we can already do that in VC. So that's the solution we've gone with. It works fine.
... Getting Nest to independently send notifications to VC is a different animal. Maybe if they have an email alert system or some kind of push notification that could be used. Buddy's Python script doesn't address anything like that -- it's all query-based.
True I linked to it somewhere on the forums a while ago... As well all nest Python script link only with the Thermostate which I do not have yet ... But I have nest protect and I found one script in PHP that deals with nest protect... And that is the reason I started to work on Python to integrate nest protect
Actually, you could use IFTTT to send Nest notificaitons to VC: https://ifttt.com/p/nest/shared
That is what I am using now... IFTTT create txt files in a folder that VC watch... The txt file has a trigger event and payload ... The unconvinience remains with IFTTT is that it is sometimes late in running it is actions
The script I posted was a try to understand how nest data is organized, as apart from setting or retrieving values, there is messages as well
If you ever need testing with nest protect I can do that ...
It seems that every month there are 4 or 5 new products released for controlling your home based on Z-wave or Zigbee. The month when no new devices are released THAT will be a big change. Based on what I've seen of Nest's api and data structure, I would steer clear of any of their new home automation offerings for the time being.
Totally agree, and am afraid I made the wrong choice to go with insteon.. For now I am putting all investment in HA on hold till things clear out ... I think next 2 years will witness a big leap ... Everything is getting smart, oral b launched tooth brush with blue tooth to give feedback on how we brush!!!! Wemo is lunching smart slow cooker with wifi !!!!
We are currently working on a solution using only VC actions (scrape, regex, maps etc.) and we are making excellent progress, so just hang on for a few days and we should have something that you can use to query or set the temperature, home/away mode, and fan mode. :D
The solution also involves some updates to the main VC program so it will be necessary to install the latest VC version when we release it.
Ta da